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Dow Will Speak To Members Of Faculty Club

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Will Address Club

Alden B. Dow (above) will speak Friday night at a Faculty Women’s Club meeting.

Dow Will Speak To Members Of Faculty Club

Alden B. Dow, architect for the Dow Chemical Co. of Midland, will speak to members and guests of the Faculty Women's club at a meeting to be held at 8 o’clock Friday night in the Rackham lecture hall.

Mr. Dow will illustrate his lecture, "You Make Your Own Architecture," with technicolor movies. He is the architect of many modern schools, churches, and war housing, and is noted for residences in modern styles. He also designs furniture and interiors and is a specialist in the use of color and landscaping.

A graduate of Columbia University, Mr. Dow was a student in atelier of Frank Lloyd Wright. He will be introduced Friday night by Dean Wells Bennett of the University school of architecture and design.

Mr. Dow and Ernest Kamp of San Francisco, architect, will have an exhibition of their work in the Rackham exhibition rooms in connection with the Ann Arbor Design conference to be held here Saturday and Sunday. Their work also will be on display Friday night.

The public has been invited to view the exhibition and to hear Mr. Dow's lecture.