Burke Explains Quick Action

Burke Explains Quick Action
George Burke, in further comment here today on his surprise resignation from the State Civil Service Commission, said he "felt it necessary to resign immediately, before anyone made capital out of my seeming inconsistency."
By "seeming inconsistency" Mr. Burke meant his insistence as a member of the non-partisan civil service commi: cion that state employes not engage in political activities while it appeared-due to an incorrect announcement--that he himself was active in a drive to raise Democratic party funds.
He made it clear that he not only did not intend to serve on the fundraising committee but about 10 days ago had definitely so informed the Democratic national committeeman, E. Cyril Bevan.
The announcement that Burke would be on the fund committee was released to the press by Benjamin Levinson, assistant to the treasurer of the party's national committee. He explained today that it was based on a letter written by Bevan.
In Detroit Bevan said:
"I understood Mr. Burke to say that he could not act as chairman of any such fund-raising committee. It was my understanding that he could serve as a member of a general committee of that type."
Burke in his letter of resignation to Gov. Harry F. Kelly declared, "I am sick and tired of the whole hybrid system of political opportunism."
He explained today he had in mind "the practice of naming people to committees or using their names for political purposes without consulting them or receiving their approval."