YWCA Names Mrs. Janet Boyington To Direct New Teen-Age Program
Teen-agers live in a turbulent turmoil but their activities, enthusiasms, habits and talk are no mystery to Mrs. Janet Boyington, new YWCA teen-agers program director. For Mrs. Boyington is only six years removed from being in the teen-age bracket herself.
With the appointment of Mrs. Boyington by the YWCA board, Ann Arbor girls will soon have a comprehensive schedule of social, recreational and cultural activities on a much broader plane than heretofore.
The program now being launched locally will have the new name "Y-Teens." This name was chosen in June by the national office of the YWCA for the teen-age program formerly carried on under the name of Girl Reserves.
Co-Educational Trend
"In recent years there has been an increased trend to make our program more co-educational," says Mrs. Boyington. "With the advent of teen-age canteen and coed clubs, the name Girl Reserve just didn't describe a program which included boys as ours does."
The new appointee disclosed that over half a million boys and girls are now participating nationally in the YW program for young people through clubs, camps, conferences and special interest groups in crafts, dramatics, sports, discussions, dancing and outdoor activities.
The local Y-Teen program will mainly be carried on at the YW on S. Fourth Ave., Mrs. Boyington reports, but in the near future new participating club groups will be formed in the eighth and ninth grades in the three junior high schools and among the sophomores at Ann Arbor High, already comes under the new Y-Teen program.
In this connection the new program director hopes to enlist the aid of interested teachers, parents and college students so that sufficient volunteer advisors can be found to assist in carrying out the expanded fall program.
Plan Fall Dances
Mrs. H. V. Jones, of Keech Ave., is chairman of the group of local women who are serving on the committee to help Mrs. Boyington with the Y-Teen program.
Although the girls themselves will do the planning of the type of program they want in their different Y-Teen clubs, the general fall schedule, as announced by Mrs. Boyington, will include coed dances, personality development courses, and classes in dramatics, personal relationships and child care.
"We expect to center our program around what the Ann Arbor girls want," says the program director.
Mrs. Boyington is a University of Pittsburgh graduate. She and her husband are making their home in Ann Arbor while Mr. Boyington resumes his courses at the University here. In Pittsburgh Mrs. Boyington was active in YW work and during the war was program director of the YW in Summit, N. J. At one time the new YW staff member was chairman of the round-table for teen-age program directors for New York City and vicinity.