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Former Classmates Continue Annual Reunion Tradition

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Meet For 22nd Annual Reunion
Reminiscing over school days at Ann Arbor High and Michigan State Normal College are Mrs. Ralph Fitzgerald, Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Mrs. Winford Crouch, Mrs. Henry Sheperd, and Mrs. Donald Swander. They have met annually for 22 years. Before their marriages they were, respectively, Gertrude Brennen, Alta Yakes, Dorothy Field, Florence Richards, and Frieda Seyfried.

Former Classmates Continue Annual Reunion Tradition
Five women, who have met for luncheon annually since they were graduated from Ann Arbor High School in 1927, met again this year at the home of Mrs. Ralph Fitzgerald of Nixon Rd.
Not only did the five women graduate from the same high school, but also from Michigan State Normal College and all taught before their marriages.
Meeting yesterday with Mrs. Fitzgerald were Mrs. Donald Swander of Clayton, Mrs. Winford Crouch of Ferndale, Mrs. Robert Kennedy of Sault Ste. Marie, and Mrs. Henry Sheperd of Mulholland Ave.
In all the 22 times the group has met, only one person, Mrs. Fitzgerald, missed a meeting and that was during the war when she was employed at the bomber plant.
While in earlier years the group may have talked over school and teaching problems, the chief topic yesterday was most likely the 13 children the five women have among them.
The women rotate as hostesses and next year they will meet with Mrs. Swander in Clayton.