U-M Would Get Huron Hills Golf Site
U-M Would Get Huron Hills Golf Site
University Plans Adult Education Center For Campus
Acceptance of a University proposal to buy approximately 50 acres of the privately-owned former Huron Hills Golf Club property and then exchange the area for the city’s two and one-half acre Felch Park was voted last night by the City Council.
If the University Regents give final approval to the transaction when they meet Friday and also approve other plans prepared by University administrators, Felch Park will become the site of a new structure designed as an “adult education center” or “continuation center.”
Complete Facilities
This center would provide complete facilities, including dining and sleeping quarters as well as meeting rooms, for persons attending conferences and short courses, under the University plans. It would not be used to house other persons.
Besides obtaining the 50-acre portion of the Huron Hills property, the city is to receive $10,000 to be used for restoring the golfing facilities there, the Councilmen specified in their resolution.
Specifically, the money would be used to rebuild the greens, repair the water system and to erect a “suitable shelter and starting house” at the site.
The trade would provide Ann Arbor with a second municipal golf course, a nine-hole course, and consequently would relieve the demand which has kept the present Municipal Golf Course crowded much of the time. It may also be possible to use part of the property for other recreational purposes.
Most Of ‘Lower Nine’
The golfing area which is involved consists of most of the so-called “lower nine” of the former Huron Hills course, the Park Board reported. About 40 acres of the land is north of the Huron River Dr. and about 10 acres is south of the drive.
An option to purchase the property has been given to the University by the present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll A. Benz of Ann Arbor, who purchased the total Huron Hills club area of more than 110 acres last year.
Felch Park, bounded by E. Huron, Fletcher and E. Washington Sts. and Park Terrace, was purchased by the city in 1891.
Praises Location
Concerning the proposed adult education center, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, University president, commented that “Felch Park is a logical location for such a center. It is conveniently located close to other University buildings such as the Rackham Building and the University’s medical facilities.”
No decision will be made, however, Dr. Ruthven said, on the proposed exchange of properties or on plans for the center until the Board of Regents have a chance to deliberate on the matter at their next meeting.
Pictures of the Huron Hills Golf Club property and of Felch Park are on page 22.