Their Essays Judged Best

Their Essays Judged Best
The six winners of an essay contest on "The Greatest Story Ever Told," sponsored by the Support of Churches Committee of the Ann Arbor Kiwanis Club, were presented at the club’s luncheon yesterday and received U. S. Savings Bond awards. From the left, they are Robert Johnson, committee chairman, who presented the awards; Bob Winder, 14, of Slauson School; Carolyn Boive, 14, of Jones School; Barbara Schostak, 16, Ann Arbor High School; Mary Stevens, 13, Tappan Junior High School; and .Margaret Takagi, 15, and Dick Fiegel, 15, both of Ann Arbor High School. First place winners in the senior and junior classes, respectively, were Miss Schostak and Miss Stevens. They each received $50 bonds. Miss Boice and Winder were awarded $25 bonds for second and third places, junior division, respectively; and Miss Takagi and Fiegel won similar amounts for second and third ratings in the senior class. More than 1,000 entries were received.