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Argus To Elect Officers Monday

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Argus To Elect Officers Monday New Board Will Hold Organization Meeting Members of the newly elected board of directors of Argus, Inc., will meet. at the plant at 2:30 Mon-^ day :'""--'-inon to elect company offi i lay plans for the sta- bilization of operations and em- ployment. I A new president, executive vice- president and general manager nrnhqbii, ,viu ^ elected Monday. I ;ions of president, gen-J Ciai ^luncio'er and chairman of thef board are now vacant. ^ George Burke, sr., recently! served as temporary board chair^| man, but his tenure of office endedf following the hectic annual stock- holders meeting last week. Six Of Eight Seats At that session, which lasted two days and two (he local management gror -six of the eight positions on the board of di- rectors. The meeting Monday climaxes a turbulent period for the local firm. During the past year a vice-presi- dent was killed in a plane crash, a board chairman was fatally burned in a fire, and the presi- dent of the company resigned, re- ported by request of the directors. The company and eight officers and former officers were named defendents in a million dollar stockholder's suit which is still pending. Despite the serious financial dif- ficulties of the past year, opera- tions since April have been on a profitable basis, a company report Sapws.