Employes Of Argus Will Be Company Guests At Dinner
Employes Of Argus
Will Be Company
Guests At Dinner
Argus, Inc. employes will be the
guests of the company Tuesday
night at a plant-wide dinner at
'•'e Michigan Union.
Originally, the annual company
nner was for members of the
ofit-sharing plan, but this year
the entire plant personnel is being
The event is part of a program
designed to improve plant morale
and employe-management relations
[following t' :; managemeBSJ
reorganizatio';. 1|
This year there will be no speak4
ers table, and officers and directory
will sh ;-'•'''' """vidual tables witn
employ'.. iC different depart"
Profit-sharing figures for thej
past year will be announced and
there will be short talks by Joseph
Clemens, treasurer and vice-presi-
dent; Clinton Harris and PIomer
[Hilton, both vice-presidents, George
JJ. Burke, sr., new president; and
Robert E. Lewis, new vice-presi-
dent and general manager.
Last year, 385 Argus employes
who were members of the profit-
sharing and retirement plan at-
"•nded the annual dinner. At thati
.ie $656,478 was reported in th»
" ""^ ^he annual income wasl|
.resenting a return of
.-; ,.,.: -ent on t^c members'
i equity during th'