West Virginia Girl Married To Mr. Swift

Jane Neuenschwander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Neuenschwander of Sistersville, W. Va., was united in marriage to Ensign Douglas D. Swift, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Swift of Morton Ave., at 2:30 Thursday afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church at Sistersville.
Rev. George F. Bauer read the ceremony, which was followed by a reception at the Neuenschwander home.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of antique ivory satin designed with a Peter Pan collar edged in lace and long sleeves, also trimmed with lace.
Her ivory fingertip length veil of illusion was caught to an open-crown satin cap. She carried a shower bouquet of lilies-of-the-valley and stephanotis centered with a white orchid.
Attend Bride
Nancy Staffan was her sister’s honor maid and Betty J. Swift, sister of the bridegroom, was the bridesmaid. They were gowned in pink nylon net designed with matching capes. They carried shower bouquets of rubrum lilies and each wore a rubrum lily in her hair.
Lt. (jg) Robert Yung, USNR, of Allen Park, was Mr. Swift’s best man. Guests were seated by Kenneth Crissinger of Washington, D. C., and David Tuel of Sistersville.
Mrs. Robert Conant of Sistersville was the organist.
At the reception, refreshments were served from a table covered with an heirloom cloth of embroidered Italian cut-work linen edged with Venetian lace. Mrs. Joseph Laing of Sistersville served the wedding cake.
The couple will honeymoon for a short time in the South and then will drive to San Diego, Calif., where Mr. Swift will attend the Naval School for two weeks before rejoining his ship at Mare Island, Calif.
Wears Brown Costume
For traveling, the bride chose a brown and white suit trimmed with brown velvet, brown accessories and a fur scarf. Her corsage was the orchid from her bridal bouquet.
The former Miss Neuenschwander was graduated from Mt. Vernon Junior College in Washington, D. C., and attended George Washington University, where she became a member of Delta Gamma sorority. Before her marriage she was employed at the medical admissions office at George Washington University.
Mr. Swift, a graduate of Ann Arbor High School, was graduated from the University College of Engineering, where he received his BSE degree and his Navy commission. He is a member of Theta Chi, Scabbard and Blade, and Kappa Kappa Psi. He now is attached to the destroyer, USS Shelton.
Attending the wedding from Ann Arbor were the bridegroom’s parents and Mr. and Mrs. James O’Kane and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wanty.
Ann Arbor High School
University of Michigan College of Engineering
U.S. Navy
Theta Chi Fraternity
Scabbard and Blade Honor Society
Marriage Announcements
Kappa Kappa Psi Fraternity
George Washington University
Delta Gamma Sorority
Has Photo
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Robert Yung
Rev. George F. Bauer
Paul W. Neuenschwander
Nancy Staffan
Mrs. Robert Conant
Mrs. Joseph Laing
Mrs. Byron Swift
Kenneth Crissinger
Jane Neuenschwander Swift
James O'Kane
Hugh Wanty
Douglas D. Swift
David Tuel
Byron W. Swift
Betty J. Swift