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Girl Scouts Plan Day Camp Program At Hilltop Lodge

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Girl Scouts Plan Day Camp Program At Hilltop Lodge

The local Girl Scout summer program will feature day camp at Hilltop Lodge this year, as well as the regular Cedar Lake Camp and swimming classes.

Mrs. Joan Lewis, Girl Scout office assistant, will be in charge of the new day camp, which will begin July 2. Two month sessions will be held, with meetings from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday and Wednesday of each week, except Wednesday, July 4. The second session will begin Aug. 1.

Registration is open at the Girl Scout office. Older girls will be divided into interest groups and younger ones into age groups. The fee is $5 for each month. Mrs. Olene Freeman is chairman of the day camp committee. 

There are still a few openings in the July 22 to Aug. 5 session of regular summer camp at Cedar Lake, the Girl Scout office said today. The first session will begin next Monday, and the camp season will end Aug. 12.

Annual Girl Scout swimming classes will begin Tuesday, July 3, at the Michigan Union Pool. Classes will be held from 10 to 11 o’clock on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Red Cross beginner and Girl Scout swimmer badges will be awarded, but no lifesaving classes will be given, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, Girl Scout swimming chairman said.

The charge will be 45 cents a session.