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Student Medical Group Will Honor Dr. Crosby

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Student Medical Group Will Honor Dr. Crosby

Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, professor of anatomy in the University Medical School, will be honored Tuesday by the University chapter of the American Student Medical Association for her 32 years of service to students and the University.

She will be presented with a clock inscribed “for outstanding achievement in the field of medical education" following a dinner and public lecture by herself.

The lecture will be at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Natural Science Auditorium. Her topic will be “The Neuro-anatomical Basis and Clinical Significance of Certain Eye Movements," having to do with one of her special fields of research.

Dr. Edgar A. Kahn, professor of surgery and a student in Dr. Crosby’s first class at the University in 1920,1 will introduce her.

Will Present Clock

Frank Shubeck of 1127 E. Ann St., University Student Medical Association president, will present the clock.

Dr. Crosby is the first recipient of the award, initiated this year by the Student Medical Association.

Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby

The organization plans to make the award annually to the person who has contributed the most to medical education in the chapter's estimation.

Members of the chapter's executive council and chairmen of the anatomy, neurology and neuro-surgery departments will attend the dinner at 6 o’clock tomorrow at the Michigan League.