Architect Honored For Achievements

Architect Honored For Achievements
Ralph W. Hammett, University professor of architecture and an authority on church design, was honored by the Alpha Rho Chi fraternity in Minneapolis, Minn., for contributions to the field of architecture and architectural education.
An alumnus of the University of Minnesota and of the national architecture fraternity, Prof. Hammett’s citation pointed out such work as the Cook County Criminal Courthouse, the Chicago Indoor Stadium, Cook County Nurses Home and Abraham Lincoln Tomb interior.
In Ann Arbor, he was the architect for the addition to the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Lloyd Douglas Memoral Chapel and Parish Hall of the First Congregational Church, and the Lutheran Student Center at Hill St. and Forest Ave.
University of Minnesota
University of Michigan College of Architecture and Design
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
National Architecture Fraternity
Lutheran Student Center
Lloyd Douglas Memorial Chapel
First Congregational Church
Cook County Nurses Home
Cook County Criminal Court Building
Chicago Indoor Stadium
Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity
Abraham Lincoln Tomb
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Ralph W. Hammett