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U.S. Army Chemical Official To Direct U-M Plant Study

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U.S. Army Chemical Official To Direct U-M Plant Study

Dr. A. Geoffrey Norman, bio-chemist and an official of the U. S.
Army Chemical Corps Biological Laboratories, has been named to direct University Memorial-Phoenix Project research in plant nutrition.

The appointment, effective July 15, is being financed under a $100,000 grant from the Dearborn Motors Corp., President Harlan J Hatcher of the University said today.

Dr. Norman also has been named professor of botany and will take part in the graduate program in botany.

Thomas A. Farrell, president of Dearborn Motors, said the research group will “investigate the absorption of mineral nutrients by plant roots, the effects of trace elements and related aspects of tree and plant physiology.”

Native Of England

In addition to Dr. Norman, Dr. A. S. Sussman, instructor in botany, will work half-time on the project.

Dr. Norman has been with the Chemical Corps since 1946. A native of England, he has been a naturalized citizen for six years.

He received a bachelor of science degree in 1925 and a doctorate of philosophy in 1928, both from the University of Birmingham. He received a master of science degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1932. He also holds a doctorate of science from the University of London.