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Garden Club Planning Tea

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Garden Club Planning Tea

The opening tea of the Ann Arbor Garden Club will be held at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Women’s City Club. The Garden Club is a member of the Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan.

Mrs. Walter E. Lay is hospitality chairman and Mrs. Walter Laubengayer is hostess chairman.

Mrs. Clarence McBride will speak on and demonstrate “The New Free-Form Flower Arrangements.”

At each afternoon meeting, there will be a five minute timely-tip for gardners. This month, Mrs. Raleigh Schorling will discuss “Bulbs for your Garden and How to Use Them.”

Hostess chairman is Mrs. W. Kelly Goss, assisted by Mrs. J. Phillip Wernette, Mrs. William D. Crim, Mrs. Paul Leidy, Mrs. James R. Hayward and Mrs. A. E. White.

Mrs. Norman Maier, Mrs. Paul Proud, jr., Mrs. Russell A. Stevenson and Mrs. Lee Dare Young will pour.