Mrs. Bertha Notten
Mrs. Bertha Notten
Lifelong Resident Of
Sylvan Township Dies
"HELSEA—Mrs. Bertha Notten,
died at the Colonial Manor
Convalescent Home here yestp"'-
day after a long illness. She v.
born^ on Aug. 13, 1871, in Sylvo
township, a daughter of Adam and
Caroline Broesamie Kalmbach.
She lived in the township all her
On Jan. 3, 1902, she was married
to Fred W, Notten. He died on
Dec. 30. 1948. They lived on his
farm on Notten Rd. until 1941
when they moved to Chelsea and
lived at 139 E. Summit St.
She was a member of the West-
ern Washtenaw Farmers' Club,
the North Sylvan Grange, Salem
Grove Methodist Church and the
Women's Society of Christian
Service of the church.
Survivors include a daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd (Leona) Heydlauff of
Chelsea; two sisters, Miss PJcka
Kalmbach of Sylvan Center and
Mrs. Mary Herzog of Oneida, N. Y.;
two grandchildren, Marlene and
George Heydluff, both of Chelsea;
and several nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be held at
2 p.m. Monday at the Salem Grove
Methodist Church, the Rev. S. D.
Kinde officiating in the absence of
the Rev. Hans Leitner, who is on
vacation. Burial will be in Salem
Grove Cemetery.
Friends may call at the Burgh-
hard! Funeral Home until noon,
Monday. -