Hutchinson And Tigers To Attend Quarterback Outing
Hutchinson And Tigers To Attend Quarterback Outing
“Calling all quarterbacks: It’s time for the annual spring roundup."
That’s the call being issued from his University Hospital bed by Quarterback Bob Ufer who hopes his doctors will let him out in time to be on hand for next Tuesday’s Ann Arbor Quarterback Club outing at Barton Hills Country Club.
Along with submitting to the probing of physicians who hope to curb the ulcers that have bothered him intermittently for years, Ufer has been busy lining up the program for the Tuesday outing which will feature afternoon golf and an evening dinner and entertainment.
Quarterback Club officials, who annually bring members of the Detroit Tigers and other sports figures to the spring outing, are looking forward to Tuesday's appearance of Bengal Manager Fred Hutchinson. A year ago Hutchinson manfully appeared at the club outing although his ball club was floundering along on less than one cylinder. This spring no sports fan needs to be reminded how well the Tigers are doing. Tuesday's appearance here should be a happier and easier one for the hard-working Bengal boss.
Rookies To Appear
Hutchinson won’t be the only sports celebrity on hand. He’s promised to bring two or three of the rookie crop which has helped spark the Tigers and of course, Bengal Don Lund, one of the few nine-letter men in Michigan sports history, will be here. So will Van Patrick, Detroit sports caster and Tiger-game play-by-play man, who will serve as master of ceremonies.
All members of the Michigan coaching staff, including new swim Coach Gus Stager and new Grid Aides Bob Hollway and Don Dufek, will appear. Wolverine Football Boss Ben Oosterbaan perhaps will offer his evaluation of the 1954 U-M squad, which is to finish spring training Saturday.
Quarterback-outing planners, incidentally, are emphasizing that the Tuesday affair is not restricted to club members. It will be open to all fans who can purchase tickets now or at Barton Hills Tuesday. Golfing will get under way at 1:30 p.m. and the dinner call will be sounded at 7 p.m. Plans have been made for distribution of both golf and door prizes.
University of Michigan - Athletics
Detroit Tigers
Barton Hills Country Club
Awards Honors Prizes
Ann Arbor Quarterback Club
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Van Patrick
Robert C. Hollway
Gus Stager
Fred Hutchinson
Don Lund
Don Dufek
Bob Ufer
Bennie Oosterbaan