150 View Rites At High School
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, December 17,1954
STRIKE UP BAND FOR CORNERSTONE: An enthusiastic Ann Arbor High School marching band got cornerstone laying ceremonies off to a good start yesterday afternoon at the new Ann Arbor High School site. The $6,000,000 high school on W. Stadium Blvd. is nearing the half-way mark of construction and is now expected to he complete in January, 1936. President Eugene B. Elliott of Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, gave the main address and Roscoe O. Bonisteel, sr., spoke for Ann Arbor citizens. Approximately 150 persons attended in addition to the band.
DROPS COPPER BOX: Board of Education President Donald L. Katz drops the copper box containing various school documents into the cornerstone of the new high school. Twenty-one persons, including present and former board members and various other city and school representatives had a hand in the trowel and mortar ceremony.
150 View Rites At High School
Cornerstone Laid For New Structure
Approximately 150 townspeople and public school representatives attended the cornerstone laying ceremonies for Ann Arbor’s new $6,000,000 high school on W. Stadium Blvd.
President Eugene B. Elliott of Michigan State Normal College, Ypsilanti, declared that Ann Arbor is furthering the great American ideal of recognizing education is "necessary to good government."
“The living dedication of the high school will be the youths who pass through these portals,” he continued. “As their fathers and grandfathers rid themselves of the horse and buggy, the youths who pass through here will rid themselves of the gasoline engine and revel in the achievements of nuclear physics.”
Attorney Roscoe O. Bonisteel, sr., speaking for citizens said, "We know the sacrifices of time, effort and nervous energy that have gone in the school building program of the district. We are grateful; we are thankful."
Pete Forsythe, president of Ann Arbor High’s Student Council and grandson of a former Ann Arbor High principal, read the Student Council statement included in cornerstone.
Ann Arbor High School’s band provided music. The Rev. C. W. Carpenter of the Second Baptist Church gave the invocation.
Twenty-one persons had a hand . the trowel and mortar ceremony. Present and former board members included were President Donald L. Katz, Mrs. Mabel W. Nesbit, George F. Schlecht, Douglas E. H. Williams, Albert E. Blash-field, Donald C. Douglas, Dr. Frederic B. House, John H. Hollowell and former members Dorothy E. Paton and Horace W. (Hod) Campbell. - ,
Also helping were Mayor William E. Brown, jr., University Vice-President Marvin L. Niehuss, Bonisteel, City Council President George Sallade, Supt. Jack Elzay, retired Supt. Otto W. Haisley and Principal Nicholas Schreiber.
Completing the list are Raymond R. Fullerton, high school Parent-Teachers Organization president; Robert Granville, dean of the high school faculty; Forsythe; and Harry Fulton of Fulton, Krinsky and DelaMotte, the architects.
Marching Bands
Building & Construction
Ann Arbor Public Schools
Ann Arbor High School
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William E. Brown Jr.
Mrs. Roscoe O. Bonisteel Jr.
Robert Granville
Raymond R. Fullerton
Peter Winchell Forsythe
Otto W. Haisley
Nicholas Schreiber
Marvin L. Niehuss
Mabel Wilkins Nesbit
John H. Hollowell
Jack Elzay
Horace W. (Hod) Campbell
Harry Fulton
George Sallade
George F. Schlect
Frederic B. House
Eugene B. Elliott
Douglas E. H. Williams
Dorothy E. Paton
Donald L. Katz
Donald C. Douglas
Charles W. Carpenter
Albert E. Blashfield
601 W Stadium Blvd