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Mayer-Schairer Sold To Local Businessmen

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A newly-formed corporation has bought complete control of the Mayer-Schairer Co., an Ann Arbor office supply, printing and bindery firm at 112 S. Main St., and will take over formally Thursday.
Oswald R. Mayer, who started the company at its present site Aug. 1, 1909, and Alfred C. Schairer, who has been a company officer since 1912, will retire.
The new corporation is headed by three men -- 0. Boyd Johannes, Robert E. Ely and W. Charles Gregory. Johannes was formerly employed at Thrasher & Co., and Ely has been employed at the Marsh Office Supply, Inc., in Ypsilanti. Gregory, who is president of the Jno C. Fischer Co., a local hardware firm, will not actively participate in operation of the office supply company. No Personnel Changes
The new owners said that there will be no changes in sales personnel, except that hiring of two new employees will bring to six he number of salesmen.
They said that Calvin A. Wolf, a stockholder in the old firm who needed the retail division and who has been hospitalized, will rejoin the firm as soon as his recovery permits. He will not be a stockholder, however.
The new owners said that they plan to continue printing and bindery work but that it may be moved to new quarters. They now plan to utilize the printing and bindery section on the second floor for office furniture displays.
They also plan to start a sales and service phase of the business. Eventually, a remodeling project is expected to be undertaken. Firm Started In 1909
The firm started in 1909 as Mayer-Schoettle Co. It was incorporated in 1912 as MayerSchoettle-Schairer, Inc. Schairer, a printer throughout most of his life, joined the firm at that time, adding to it printing equipment which he owned with a partner in another business. Schoettle left about 1914 and is now employed in Detroit.
Neither Mayer, who lives with his wife, Alice, at 1131 W. Washington St., nor Schairer, who lives at 902 Rose Ave., has any business plans for the future.