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Village Man Drowns In Huron River

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YPSILANTI - The city of Ypsilanti recorded its second fatality of 1955 and Washtenaw county's 26th of the year early yesterday when a Willow Village man drowned after his car smashed through guard rails on Spring St. and plunged into the Huron River here.

Police identified the victim as Johnnie Hammond, 23, of 1760 Upton Ct.

Hammond was able to escape from the sinking auto, but drowned while attempting to swim ashore, officers learned. The accident happened at 1:35 a.m. yesterday, but the body was not recovered until about 11:10 a.m.

Witnesses told police Hammond's car was traveling east on Spring at an estimated 50 miles per hour and failed to negotiate a sharp turn leading to the bridge.