Civic Orchestra Appoints Raab

Emil Raab
(date stamp:) Mon Dec 5 1955
Civic Orchestra
Appoints Raab
He’ll Be Conductor
For 1955-56 Season
The board of directors of the
Ann Arbor Civic Symphony Or-
chestra today announced the ap-
pointment of Emil Raab as per-
manent conductor of the orches-
tra for the 1955-56 season.
Raab, who is assistant professor
of violin and chamber music at
the University, thus replaces
Orien Dalley as conductor of the
civic orchestra. Dailey resigned
the post in October because of
what he labeled “a lack of uni-
fied understanding and support
of the aims and ideals of the
civic symphony.”
Raab was then named tempor-
ary conductor for the orchestra
for the first concert, which will
be held Sunday in the Michigan
Union ballroom.
Raab, the new conductor, is a
member of the Stanley Quartet.
He received both his bachelor of
music and master of music de-
grees at the University and won
the Stanley Medal, the highest
award given by the School of
Raab has played many sonata
recitals in Ann Arbor and has ap-
peared in solo recitals and as
violin soloist with symphony or-
chestras throughout Michigan.
He is also conductor of the
Jackson Civic Symphony Orches-
tra and directs the Dearborn
String Orchestra and Dearborn
Junior String Orchestra. Last
year he was guest conductor for
both the Plymouth Symphony
Orchestra and the Grosse Pointe
Symphony Orchestra.
The program for Sunday’s con-
cert will be announced later this
Ann Arbor Civic Symphony
Ann Arbor Civic Symphony Board of Directors
Stanley Quartet
Stanley Medal
University of Michigan School of Music
Jackson Civic Symphony Orchestra
Dearborn Junior String Orchestra
Plymouth Symphony Orchestra
Grosse Pointe Symphony Orchestra
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Emil Raab
Orien Dalley