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The 'Personal Touch' In Traffic

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The 'Personal Touch' In Traffic

Traffic control in Ann Arbor is handled with signs and signals-and also by policemen personally directing traffic at busy intersections. Under the command of Lt. H. G. Schlupe, head of the Police Department's Traffic Bureau, patrolmen are assigned to various downtown corners during "rush" hours.  Here Patrolman Robert O'Dell indicates with a hand signal that east and westbound traffic on E. Huron is to proceed through the Division St. intersection.

TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS: Sgt. Herbert Kapp of the Ann Arbor Police Department here demonstrates various hand signals used by officers while directing intersection traffic.  [image]  Top left, “All traffic stop.” Top right, "Traffic in both directions proceed through intersection."  Bottom left, "Make a left turn."  Bottom right, "Traffic approaching right, make a left turn; traffic approaching from left, stop.”