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Maten, Hannah, Bartley, MacDonald Top UF Units

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Serving on the campaign committee for this year's United Fund drive, as chairman of the divisions listed, are Robert E. Maten, national firms; Eugene H. Hannah, construction,; E. D. Bartley, utilities; and Kenneth H. MacDonald, special events.
The committee for the drive, scheduled to begin Oct. 13 with a goal of $337,412, is composed of 20 division and section chairmen working under general chairman Herb Estes.
Maten, who is manager of the S. S. Kresge Co. State St. store here, has been associated with previous drives through membership on the board of directors of Salvation Army, a member agency.
MacDonald is president of the Ann Arbor Area United Fund, formerly the Ann Arbor Community Chest. Elected to the post in January, he was previously appointed to a three-year tem on the board of directors of the Community Chest in 1956. He is sales manager for WPAG radio and television.
Serving the campaign in an official capacity for the first time are Bartley, district traffic superintendent for Michigan Bell Telephone Co., and Hannah, owner of the Hannah Building Co.