Merchants Name Schmid President

Merchants Name Schmid President
Stanger Furniture Manager Succeeds Maten In Post
Fred J. Schmid, manager of the Stanger Furniture Co., was elected president today of the Ann Arbor Retail Merchants Association (RMA).
The association named William M. Friedrichs, manager of Jacobson's, as vice-president.
Schmid, who has been on the RMA board for the past two years, replaces Robert E. Maten of 1411 Packard St. in the presidency.
Schmid has been an association member for about 30 years and has served on a number of the organization’s committees. He is a member of the local Elks and Kiwanis Clubs, and' lives at 1000 W. Madison St. |
Jack V. Tinnin will remain treasurer of the RMA until bylaws changes, which would eliminate the post and make the group a division of the Chamber of Commerce, are voted on at the RMA’s annual meeting Oct. 29 at Barton Hills' Country Club.
William J. Bott, manager of the Chamber, is secretary of the RMA.
Fred J. Schmid