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"Bohemian-Type" Coffee House Planned Here

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‘Bohemian-Type’ Coffee House Planned Here

A new establishment, called The Promethean, which will feature a Bohemian-type atmosphere, will be opened “before March 1” at 508 E. William St.

Remodeling work is now going on revising the store which has just been vacated by the Maddy Music Co. That firm is now located at 209 E. Liberty St. in a store that was completely remodeled.

Co-owners of the new coffee shop are Robert Marshall, owner of Marshall’s Bookshop, and Morris Richman, owner of the Bud-Mor Agency, which represents dance bands and entertainers.

The two said The Promethean will specialize in the serving of 20 kinds of Italian, Turkish and American coffee, Italian pastries and “unusual” sandwiches in “an artistic, Bohemian atmosphere.”

Paintings by Ann Arbor artists will be displayed in a dark-gray interior with “deliberately mismatched” furnishings. It will seat a maximum of 115 persons. A new kitchen is to be installed.

The co-owners said they hope the new 1,500-square-foot installation will create a friendly, informal atmosphere — a place where persons can relax.”