Musical Scholarship Winners To Perform For Association

Musical Scholarship Winners To Perform For Association
Five young musicians who won scholarships given by the Ann Arbor Civic Symphony and the Women's Association of the Symphony will give individual performances at the annual meeting of the Women’s Association at 8 p.m. Monday in the home of Mrs. Chris Vlisides, 2111 Brockman Blvd.
The performers will be Miss Carol Young, cello, and Miss Judy Sklar, piano, each of whom received a $100 award from the Women’s Association; David Smith, trombone, and Miss Jacqueline Jarsma, piano, and Miss Nancy Lu, violin, who received $50 awards from the Symphony.
These winners auditioned before a panel of judges composed of Prof. Gustave Rosseels, Prof. Charles Fisher, Prof. William Stubbins, and Prof. Roger Jacobi, all of the University’s School of Music.
Mrs. William Friedrichs, president of the Women’s Association, will present the new officers. They are Mrs. S. B. Withey, president; Mrs. Charles A. Parish, president-elect; Mrs. Vlisides, treasurer; Mrs. Lewis Reimann, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Kenneth Crocker, recording secretary.
Mrs. John Morrow will be chairman of the meeting, assisted by Mrs. Claude Hibbard, Mrs. L. A. Holmes, Mrs. Gail Lyons, and Mrs. E. A. Schaeberle. Mrs. J. B. Tarboux will be in charge of table decorations.
Ann Arbor Civic Symphony
Women's Association of the Ann Arbor Symphony
University of Michigan School of Music
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Mrs. Chris Vlisides
Carol Young
Judy Sklar
David Smith
Jacqueline Jarsma
Nancy Lu
Gustave Rosseels
Charles Fisher
Roger Jacobi
Mrs. William Friedrichs
Mrs. S. B. Withey
Mrs. Charles A. Farish
Mrs. Lewis Reimann
Mrs. Kenneth Crocker
Mrs. John Morrow
Mrs. Claude Hibbard
Mrs. L. A. Holmes
Mrs. Gail Lyons
Mrs. E. A. Schaeberle
Mrs. J. B. Tarboux
William H. Stubbins