New Subdivision Plans Revealed

New Subdivision Plans Revealed Firm To Develop North Campus Area
Rose-Hill Builders of Detroit has purchased the 85-acre North Campus Heights Subdivision for an estimated $950,000 and will build between 50 and 100 $15,000 to $20,000 ranch and tri-level homes this year in the subdivision.
The state-wide firm, which has built more than 10,000 houses in Michigan, currently is doing home building work at five locations in Detroit and at Livonia, Roseville, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Grand Rapids and Flint.MAY 1.2.1961
This is the first time Rose Hill has entered the Ann Arbor home building market. “We've found the right land to do an outstanding job in Ann Arbor,"? a Rose-Hill spokesman said. "Once in Ann Arbor, we hope to stay."
North Campus Heights was purchased from S. Brooks Baron of Detroit, president of the Arbor. Heights Building Corp., which is installing utilities, curb and gutter, street and sidewalks in the subdivision.
It is located on Plymouth Rd. at Nixon Rd. and is adjacent to the Bendix Systems Division and Parke, Davis & Co. Research Laboratories.
There, Rose-Hill is erecting three model houses which are expected to be completed and opened about June 30.
When fully developed, North Campus Heights will contain 240 houses, a two-acre park and a neighborhood shopping center.
“The subdivision is a two year project," the Rose-Hill spokesman said, adding that the firm will build both on contract and speculatively.
The ranch and tri-level houses to be built will contain between 1,000 and 1,350 square feet. Some houses will have two-car attached garages.