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Barton Boat Yachtsmen Up Anchor For Club's Anniversary Regatta

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Barton Boat Yachtsmen Up Anchor For Club's Anniversary Regatta

WATCHING THE WIND: Sails are up and waiting for the wind as Barton Boat Club members take the tiller in preparation for the 25th Anniversary Regattanof the club to be held with other boat clubs today and tomorrow. Left to right, sailing in a Rhodes Bantam boat are Mrs. Guy C. Larcom, jr., her daughter Sally, a junior racer; and Robert Leary, regatta chairman and fleet captain of the Rhodes Bantams.

Members Will Race Snipe, Bantam Boats

Barton Boat Club skippers and crew members have a full weekend planned for today and tomorrow. It is the club’s 25th Anniversary Regatta, and club members are sailing in competition against the Port Huron, Jolly Roger and Gouguac Yacht Clubs.

Registration for the regatta was this morning. This afternoon’s schedule included a kick-off sandwich luncheon at the club and a series of alternating races for boats in the Snipe and Bantam classes. This evening at 6:45 there will be a box lunch supper at the home of the Willard Olsons at 301 Barton Shore Dr.

Tomorrow’s events include more racing during the day, and a potluck picnic on the club grounds at 1:30 p.m.

Other highlights of the two-day boat event are the awarding of trophies for the three skippers in each class who score highest in the regatta, and for their crews, and films of the 1960 America Cup races to be shown at the Olson’s this evening.

Some of the club members who have worked ahead of time on the regatta are regatta chairman Robert M. Leary and racing chairman Dr. Brian M. McCabe. Starter for the races is Rolland C. Stewart, and his wife Mrs. Stewart is on the regatta committee, along with commodore, Dr. Park Willis and Mrs. Willis, Lee Blaloch, Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Larcom, jr., Norman R. MacDonald, the Olsons and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew A. Lindstrom.

Hosts for the junior racing will be Sally Larcom and Park Willis, jr.

ENJOYING THEIR RIDE: Rigging their Snipe boat as practice for the boat races today and tomorrow are Mrs. Brian F. McCabe (right), whose husband, Dr. McCabe, is racing chairman for the regatta, and Mrs. Richard L. Massman at the sails. Racing and social events are scheduled through tomorrow evening for club members and guest clubs that will be at Barton Pond for the event.