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Four More Wear Junior Net Crowns

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Friday, August 3,1962

[image]:  CITY CHAMPS ALL: It’s a happy group of young Ann Arbor tennis players gathered here after winning titles in the Recreation-Department-sponsored Junior Tournament. Standing at top, left to right, are George Smillie, Lynn Miller, and Joe Huber. Kneeling are Shari Brown and Kippy Pritula. Immediately back of Terry Brown (front) are John Brummet, Jim Neel and Rick Weir.

Four More Wear Junior Net Crowns

The list of title holders in the City Junior Tennis Tournament reached eight today as the Recreation - Department sponsored program drew to a close.

Four more crowns were won in the completion of the Junior event yesterday. George Smillie defeated Joe Huber, 6-3, 6-2, for the boys-18-under singles trophy. Smillie and Huber then teamed to win the doubles title by defeating Steve Blatt and Jim Griffin, 6-3, 6-0.

The boys-14-under singles title went to Rick Weir who beat John Brummet, 6-2, 6-2, in the final. Weir reached the finals by eliminating Jack Knowles, 6-2, 6-1.

The girls-14-under championship was won by Shari Brown and Kippy Pritula who bested Laura Hammon and Mehrene Larudee, 6-1, 6-2. Brown and Pritula earned the finals by defeating Carol Holland and Vicki Kennedy, 6-2, 6-1, while Hammon and Larudee stroked out a 10-8, 6-3, triumph over Jacque Martin and Wendy Brown.

Yesterday’s winners join other champions crowned earlier, They are Jim Neel and Brummet, boys-14-under doubles; Terry Brown, boys-12-under singles; Lynn Miller, girls-16-under singles; and Pritula, girls-14-under singles.