St Thomas Chorale-Band Concert Tonight
Junior-Senior Hi-Notes:
St. Thomas Chorale Band Concert Tonight
[image]: DRILL TEAM ON REVIEW: A new drill team composed of grade school students from St. Thomas High School is entertaining fans this fall at the high school football games. The team, under the direction of Maurice Lawrence, took the field for the first time during homecoming game half-time. Twenty-two members of the team decked out in their colorful uniforms are shown on review in front of the school.
The chorale and band of St. Thomas High School will give a concert at 8:15 p.m. today. Admission is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for students.
Winners of the Ecumenical poster contest are: First, Tom Treves, 12th grade; second, Dick Meldrum, 12th grade; third, Kathy Sharp, seventh grade, and fourth, Tom Scott, 12th grade.
Student Council representatives are: Tom Dyer, Jim Brice, Fred Crudder, Kathy Coniway, Jean Tiefer, seniors; Kay Spencer, Kathy McKevitt, Dennis Kosmalski, Tom O’Brien and Jacque Owens, juniors, and Tom Donnelly, Frank Ross, Jeanne Ivacko, Pat Webb and Margie Uren, sophomores.
The Dad’s Club Christmas card drive, which started Monday, will continue for two weeks. Homeroom 101 is the winner of the patron drive.
Crissie Bertoni is St. Thomas High reporter.
University High
The seventh graders at University High School will spend next week at a camp near Pontiac.
There is a home football game tomorrow with Manchester.
A film on integration in the South and the reactions in the South to the Supreme Court decision was shown at last week's assembly.
Girls Athletic Association's fun night "Fun 'n' Frolic" yesterday featured table games, folk dancing and ping pong.
U High reporters are Lynn Anthony and Coleen Hayes.
Ann Arbor High
Ann Arbor High School’s casual all-school dance will be held from 8:30 to 11 p.m. Saturday at the school.
Senior pictures are to be taken by Saturday if they are to be in the “Omega”, the yearbook.
The first meeting of the committee chairmen for the National Student Council Convention was held in the high school’s conference dining room Tuesday morning. An estimated 500 delegates from every state will attend the annual meeting, which is scheduled for June 23-27 at Ann Arbor High. It is sponsored by the National Association of Student Councils.
Sophomore class officers are: President, Bill Wood; vice-president, Dave Rea and secretary, Nancy McArtor.
Buses to the Lansing Eastern football game have been chartered. The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) will be given to juniors at 8:30 a m. Saturday.
Representatives from Oberlin and Swarthmore Colleges visited the school last week to talk to students interested in attending the schools.
French records and refreshments were served at a meeting of the French Club last Thursday.
The intramural program now includes boy’s soccer, archery, flag tackle football, water polo, and duplicate bridge. The Girls Athletic Club is playing field hockey.
Kemmy Metz and Bonnie Holzhauer will also serve as junior varsity cheerleaders this year.
Nancy Sweet was Ann Arbor High reporter this week.
Forsythe Junior High
Forsythe Junior High School students enjoyed “Gasarama” a program given by the Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. last week.
Capsule night for parents was held on Tuesday night. Exhibitions of modern dance and gymnastics were given by Jenny Woods and Lynn Kennedy (balance team), Sarah Steeb, Andrea Solamin, Sue Tedder, and Kendra Clifford (modern dance), and Ann Levenick and Carol Redies (free exercise).
Thirty girls were chosen for modern dance class last Thursday.
Funds are being raised for outside bleachers by collecting money in the homerooms and by selling the new “F” pins.
Carol Drury and Diana Hurst were Forsythe reporters this week.
Tappan Junior High
The eighth and ninth grade chorus at Tappan Junior High School were invited to sing for the Michigan Education Association Region 3 meeting today at Hill Auditorium. The chorus is under the direction of Miss Catherine Ann Cook.
The addition of a new cheering squad and pep band has boosted school spirit. Students enjoyed “Gasarama”, a presentation of the Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. last Friday.
Seventh grade student council representatives are: Allison Reed, Sue Meinke, David Palmiere, Mike Bodine, Pete Fajans, Pete Graham, Rob Leutheuser, Bucky Straub, Chris Hogan, Dave Bishop and Terry Kuhn.
Katie Doerr was Tappan reporter this week.
Slauson Junior High
Results of the tryouts for Slauson Junior High School’s talent assembly were announced yesterday. Winners were Cathy Vegh, Sally Glas and group, Russ Howard and group, Marc Meyer, Amy Schrader, Tom Wall, Terry Trabandt, Bob Zahner, Allen Springer, and the ninth grade chorus. Judges were Mrs. Martin H. Edwards, music teacher, and Student Council officers.
U. S. Rep. George Meader, a Republican running for re-election from the Second Congressional District, spoke to the ninth grade student assembly yesterday.
Charlene Deasy was Slauson reporter.
St Thomas High School
Drill Teams
University High School
Ann Arbor High School
Forsythe Junior High School
Tappan Junior High School
Slauson Junior High School
St. Thomas Dads' Club
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Maurice Lawrence
Tom Treves
Dick Meldrum
Kathy Sharp
Tom Scott
Tom Dyer
Jim Brice
Fred Crudder
Kathy Coniway
Jean Tiefer
Kay Spencer
Kathy McKevitt
Dennis Kosmalski
Tom O'Brien
Jacque Owens
Tom Donnelly
Frank Ross
Jeanne Ivacko
Pat Webb
Margie Uren
Crissie Bertono