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Each High School Claims A National Merit Scholar

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Each High School Claims a National Merit Scholar

A senior from each of Arbor’s three high schools has been named a Merit Scholar, it was announced today.

Craig A. McEwen of University High and Thomas V. McGuire of St. Thomas High are winners of National Merit Scholarships. John R. Bareham of Ann Arbor High is the winner of the R. C. Mahon Foundation Merit Scholarship.

They are among 129 Michigan school students and 1,400 seniors in the nation who have been awarded the scholarships.

About 875 outstanding students received four-year Merit Scholarships sponsored by 175 business corporations, foundations, colleges, unions, professional associations, trusts, and individuals.

About 540 Merit Scholars received their awards from the National Merit Scholarship Corp. NMSC conducts the annual year - long Merit Program in co-operation with high schools throughout the country.

THE AMOUNT of each award is based on individual need. The stipends range from $400 to $6,000 for the four years of college. The value of the awards for 1963 is estimated at more than $5 million.

In addition to stipend-bearing Merit Scholarships awarded today, about 225 students were named Honorary Merit Scholars. These receive no financial assistance.

Craig is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George M. McEwen, 1419 Henry St. With an interest in chemistry and the social sciences, Craig plans to attend Oberlin College where he will pursue a liberal arts education.

President of the student council at U High, Craig served as president of the sophomore and junior classes and as a member of the student council. He was a member of the basketball team for two years and the tennis team for three years.

CRAIG WON honorable mention in the Detroit News regional writing contest, 1960-61, and in the Michigan State Mathematics contest, 1962-63. His hobbies including playing tennis and reading.

Tom, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin V. McGuire, 2000 Camelot Rd., will study engineering at Yale University. He is president of the student council and vice-president of the Tri-High Council. Treasurer of his junior class, Tom was a delegate to Boys’ State last year. He is a member of the National Honor Society.

A member of the wrestling team at St. Thomas, Tom also serves as an altar boy at St. Francis of Assisi Church.  His hobbies include reading, hunting and listening to jazz music.

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Bareham; 2759 Grant Dr., John plans to major in electrical engineering at the University of Michigan and plans a career as an electro-acoustic engineer.

JOHN’S AWARD, the R. C. Mahon Foundation Merit Scholarship, is given to seniors graduating from Michigan high schools who plan to pursue an education in engineering at a Michigan college or university.

John, who has received scholarship awards each year in high school, is enrolled in advanced placement mathematics and the experimental humanities course. He plays first chair baritone horn in the high school concert band and organized, now directs and arranges music for a Boy Scout band.

Active in scouting, John has achieved Life rank and received the Pro Deo et Patria award. He is vice-president of the Trinity Lutheran Church Lutheran League and president of the Order of St. John Acolytes.

John spends his leisure time conducting experiments and constructing and repairing electronic equipment in his home laboratory. He does recording and radio broadcasting for school and the church.