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$3,500,000 Hotel Plans Downtown Draw Praise

$3,500,000 Hotel Plans Downtown Draw Praise image
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r DOWNTOWN HOTEL AND CARPORT: carport could be two stories higher than
This is a local architect’s version of how shown. Construction of the $3,500,000 installa-
a 10-story, 191-room hotel and 150-car carport _ tion was assured lastsnightf 'after»t-he”-’€fty"'~
- could -look -after completion, alflfough' the Council voted to lease necessary land.
D D P °
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The old Allenel Hotel) E. sign work on the two struc- pressed confidence that the new
Hu,-on SL an _ ourth Ave_ tures. _ s t_a_t_c_1llt1rz_sp_w_1l_r_hasten downtown
- hi a Bragg himself described some eVe e ; _ _
;g;{§iv;`a?;?, gigltroifgemgtgg of the facilities expected to be Crandall Sa1<1< lt may teke
, .Y .“.. built into the hotel. They in- QP t0 0116 and 9 half Years bef
hotels clude a thirdqevel outdoor fore all properties lnvolved can
The 10-story structurewas as- swimming pool and two large be vacated by _ tenants audi
Sllrédt "l'§Sffllfgl'llT 3fl§€ll"llflé"Cll2y' publiq rogms frofffwhich View. razed- But he did Say the Old
Council voted to construct an ers can Qbserve Swimmers, _Allenel W111 be torn down be-_
adjacent 150-car carport to the BaSica11y__ thejhgtel is being__ 201; t_£@__<->1;_§1_0fct_r1<=rrye;=gr__ and
south' 1 -~ designed for; use as a confer* tlse Ihlewehotelawillosiartuinlz:1bo(l1It
It will span all of the Allenel ence center 'and sucli rooms ben; ei ht months _
property on S. Fourth Ave. ex- ing planned iwillfrprovidg fa;¢i1i- *séinancin 'necessar to aS_
cept for the southerly 48 feet, ties for entire University con-~ Sure _ (yahiad on cogstructioni
which will be leased tothe city ferences, Bragg ‘said. ' - of theghotel has been arranged
sossths ssrslssti, The 191 glleet rooms, all t3b0Ve according to Meyer, Rosenthal
In.ed§§ft§,QQs;Qtt1efPeY%il}9teLWtu the fourth level, Will be ofthe and Crandall. Meyer and Ros-
fake _; i‘%;.1:.v: _~~ 9-_ than usual enthal are principal owners of
f1Ve St01°eS between 116 HHETQ 8 " f stf ~”°` th, University Motel 1000 Broad-
E. Huron St. The carport, be- Bragg said. S J ` " Way_ ’
Sides Spanning Part of the A large restaurant and cock- tCarport story on Page 19)
Allenel PI`°PeI`ty» will replace tail lounge are planned for the ‘*
three buildings on the north Side first level, along with a _coffee
of E. Washington St. between shop. and rental space for spe_
113 and 121 E. Washington St. cialty Sh0pS_ Bragg,” said there
The hotel and carport are might be a broker’s office, ra-
estimated to cost $3,500,000, ac- dio_ station studios? travel bn-
cording to S. R. Bragg & Asso- reau and additional rental space
ciates, local architectural firm at the second level. ` _ _
which has done preliminary de- Developers-own rs of the ho-
_tel are Herbert llieyed and 'Ed-
jwin*M;' Rosenthal,” jr., 'both of
‘Detroit, who vyork"d fcldsely
.with a number bf city fofficials
iand community ‘leaders to gain
‘the carport and hotel."
g One prime _mover is Frank
QM. Crandall, senior vice-presi-
'dentl of the National _Bank &
Trust Co. of Ann Arbor.
' Crandall worked with the de-
fvelopersf and property owners
lfor more than a_ year to get
j Other local news
\ on 3, 8, 1-2, 18, 19, 24
agreements on necessary prop-
erty leases. He lauded the coun-
cil’s action on the carport that
now assures -construction of the
hotel. ' <
“It’s one of the greatest
things that has happened to
Ann Arbor other than the Uni-
versity’s planned expansion,”
he said. -“It’s terrific. It will
bring conventions here and par-
ents to see their children at the
U-M. It’s the turning point forl
Ann Arbor. Now, you’re going
see new store fronts down-
town. You’re going to see more
money spentbetween Main and
State Sts. for new buildings.
State and Main Sts. will be
‘drawn’ together.”
_Working closely with Cran-
dall was Maynard A. Newton,
sr., who also spent more than
a year in helping to assemble
the properties for the carport
and hotel. Newton similarly ex-