U-M Buys Portrait Of Late Poet Frost

PICTURE: PORTRAIT OF POET: This oil portrait of the late poet Robert Frost, purchased by the University, was placed on display today in Alumni Memorial Hall. The painting was done in 1923 by Ann Arbor artist Leon A. Makielski when Frost was poet-in-residence at the U-M.
U-M Buys Portrait Of Late Poet Frost
An oil portrait of the late poet Robert Frost was placed on display at the University today.
Painted from life in 1923 when Frost was poet-in-residence at the University, the portrait has been purchased by the U-M from Ann Arbor artist Leon A. Makielski.
The portrait of Frost as he appeared during his years on the Ann Arbor campus will be on display in Alumni Memorial Hall. It may be seen daily between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Sundays 2 to 5 p.m., and Wednesdays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.
A special Robert Frost Portrait Fund has been established, according to Erich A. Walter, secretary of the U-M.
“The University has had a number of requests and suggestions from friends of Mr. Frost that the University acquire his portrait.” Walter states.
We are now happy to be able to announce that the University has in fact purchased the painting from the artist, Mr. Makielski,” he adds.
Contributions to the Robert Frost Portrait Fund, established to defray expenses involved in the purchase of the painting, may be sent to the secretary, University of Michigan, Administration Building, Ann Arbor.
Frost spent a large part of the two academic years 1921-23 in Ann Arbor after establishment of a fellowship in creative art made possible through gifts from Chase S. Osborn of Sault Ste. Marie, former Michigan governor and a regent of the University, and from an anonymous donor. He was a very popular figure on campus.
Frost returned to the U-M for the academic year 1924-25 and few weeks in 1927. He made several more visits to the University, which he often described as his “second home,” for lectures, readings of his poetry and visits with old friends.
Frost’s last visit to Ann Arbor was in June, 1962, when he received a honorary degree from the University. He died Jan. 29,1963.