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Russell, Buntin Named To AP's Glitter Teams

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Russell, Buntin Named
To AP's Glitter Teams

.Michigan's brilliant scoring similarly got, off to a poor sea-
duo, Cazzie Russell and Bill son, but went on a scoring
Buptin, continued to reap hon- splurge that put him back in
ors today, the running and also sparked

Russell was named to the sec- the Buckeyes into contention for
ond team on the Associated the ^S Ten crown.
Press' All-America listings and Nash' ^r an off-season as a
Buntin was a third-team pick. J1111^, reverted to the fine form

tos^s^ i^r" y?6?

=rS ^°^t
last year by Buntin. Russell helped put unbeaten UCLA at

hit 28 points against Illinois i

last week to bring his season': t reports on profes-
total to 539 points. Buni ,^i gp^ts and other
'poured in 534 last year. , , r . .„ ,

Gary Bradds of Ohio State,} local Sports Will be
Cotton Nash of Kentucky, Walt found OH Page 22.
Hazzard of UCLA, Bill Bradley |__________________

of Princeton and Dave Stall- , , .

^ ffrst^m- were named S^^K

pSThaTm^^^^^ CTardTecye'shattered -^y

Sntn^sO^ympic^^ of the ^ ^ague scoring
£"0 frnw,+I,'%S -?pri <?n,ith records at Princeton, whilR

t ^^nfQv^ S?'^ Tvv Stallworth paced Wichita's dr
eastern Conference Big SixIvy ^ ^ ^

^ifv Iprf^ ^ vS n? 37? Munins ran^ sixth "1 ^e

SPO^S writers and Toadcast ^S with a total of 633 points,
sports writers and broadcast ^^^ g^g^y ^y ^ ^ ^g.

"On the basis of five pointc fw sell The voting thereafter fell

a first-team vote and two ff t0 486 ,' 'e1' 444 for

for a second-team vote, Bi^i. ounts and • •^nham-

collected a total of 1,199 points.

He was named on the first

team by 215 voters. Nash was

runner-up with 207 firsts and

1,159 total points. Then came

Hazzard with 195 firsts and

1,087. All are seniors.

Bradley and Stallworth, both
juniors, polled 783 and 765, re-
spectively, and each got 123

Jeff Mullins of Duke, Fred
Hetzel of Davidson, Mel Counts
of Oregon State and Ron Bon-
ham of Cincinnati joined Rus-
sell on the second team.

Along with Buntin, Howard
Komives of Bowling Green,
Paul Silas of Creighton, Barry
Kramer of NYU and Jim
Barnes of Texas Western
formed the third team.

Bonham and Kramer made
the 1963 All-America as juniors,
along with Bradds, but failed to
repeat. The Ohio State star