Wolverine Notes
Wolverine Notes
By Wayne DeNeff
Illinois had a five-point pro-
ram to beat Michigan outlined
on its blackboard.
1) Rebound viciously.
2) Commit no turnovers,
3) Give 40 minutes of your
4) Help each other at all
5) Make all free throws.
"We played about as well
we knew how," said Illinoia
Coach Harry Combes but his o ~
Illini still were edged by Mich-
igan in some of those vital cate-
Michigan had a 46-40 rebound Michigan but never five. The
edge. Its turnovers numbered number now is five.
six to 12 for the mini and its
free-throw marksmanship wasi
Combes just shook his head
875(14,,.of.l6) t0 -684 (13 ^Iwhen he talked about Russell
19) for Illinois. jandBillBuntin.
I .-, , °—-0 . , • "There's not much you can do
A1thn,,i?h he got the important ^en he (Buntin) goes out
L^M,^ near games end, Rus^igh," said Combes. "I see he
sell was not having a great ^ ^ 30 ^s against
scoring day and Combes^ ^.e ^ ^ cousins, I
credited Tal Brody s defensive | awes, "
work — until Brody picked up| „ "', ., „ . _ , ,..
,a fourth foul with about nine' Combes said that Brody did
jminutes to plav. Until that time!'1 .f^ defensive 3ob_ on Rus-
'Russell had 13 points. He tii"n se11 but -a ^ llke that
srored 10 m the last nine in ^T^0^^ T^"
^ needed. It was the best de-
1 ' __i\e game we played all
a-,-, . , , . , M,n, but you have to give
_Cazzie changed my mmd in;^^g^ credit. Every time
a hurrv about that time out, ^ ^ ^ a ^ where it
said Michigan Coach Dave ^ed as if we could control
Straekrefernngtothetimeoutj^ they came right
he intended to call with Michi-!^^.,
gan leading, 77-76. and Oliver; __
Darden in fi- '; ••' Jr -'""'-hing' -- -- --
Big Ten
a rebound • .ncis
to play. Dynifri nrfu 10 Rus-
sell and he and George Pomey
broke down court with only one
ildefender in front of them.! conference AII Games
i vi7 J-J 1° ° i- ir i. MICHIGAN
We didn t run our half-court Minnesota
..press too well," said Str a c k.'i'^a0"'
:! "They got three, four or five Indiana
, lay-up- •;i ;~ You're
gne • ise little
You're going toj^^gie
•gne .; ise little j u m ps| Wisconsin
"jonce m awhile on the press butlM^chi^aT^rate
W L Pet. W L Pet.
11 0 1.000 19 2 .905
9 2 .818 17 4 .810
8 3 .727 16 5 .76?
7 4 .636 13 8 .619
6 5 .545 16 5 .762
5 6 .455 12 9 .571
4 7 .364 10 11 .476
3 8 .273 9 12 ,429
2 9 .182 6 15 .286
0 11 .000 4 16 .200
Wayne DeNeff
University of Michigan – Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Athletics
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Tournament
Michigan Wolverines
Illinois Fighting Illini
Big Ten Basketball Championship
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Tal Brody
Oliver Darden
Harry Combes
George Pomey
Dave Strack (Coach)
Cazzie Russell
Bill Buntin