'Teach-In' Program Detailed
1\Iore than 200 University fac· Prof. Arnold Kaufman, anoth- where he lived for six years. people, in Angell Hall audito- are g r a d u ate students and
ulty members are contributing er leader of the faculty group, 1 Donahue is a !11ichigan State•riums B. c and D and f i v ejOg!esby is an Ann Arbor pla~-
$. 1 :,0 00-plus to. ·<'. ·tage. the "teach·· sai.d the parti.C J. patm. g professors,Um· versi·t y anthropolo?I· st w h olclassrooms-M435, M439, l\I443. lvw nrg ih t. All the othersr are Urntn
demons~Iatwn m P r 0 test and instructors are "unified in has done extensi\'e fteld work 1\1447, and 1\1451-between 1:30 to e sty faculty me~be s. .
over the VIet Nam war sched- their disapproval of present U.S. in Viet Nam. Waskow is a 3 a.m. and between 4 to 6 a.m., Concurrent!~ WI_th the semi·
u_led to go through the mght un-,policies in Viet Nam, but do not resident fellow of the Jnstitute!The fourth auditorium will be nars and motion_ pictures, a protil
7 a.m. to_morrow on th~- c~m·~agree on alternative policies." for Policy Studies in Washing- used for motion pictures. ~est workshop WI~ be held startpus,
accordmg to Prof. \\Ilha~ He said one function of the ton, D.C.. Participating in the seminar mg at 1:3_0 a.m. m Rootn 1\I 429 ·
~- Gamson .. :\lore _th~n 50 Will 'teach-in'' will be to explore Their speeches will be broad-lgroups will be'Ayoub Gyr. Eric . A meetmg to plan further acalso
be program participants. and develop possible alterna- cast simultaneously to audi- R. Wolf, Michael Zweig, Bould- twn will be h~ld from 6 to 7
They represent more than 10 tives ences in the four auditoriums. ing, John H. Broomfield, 0. a.m. m Auditonum B of Angell
per cent of the University f~c- Ab~irl ed co 1ies of the State From approximat(•ly 10 p.m. to I Andrew Collver, Richard Magi- Hall. t..A/\0 ? 4 1(\~5
ulty of 1,981 professors and m- De t g t' F'WI't p ,, midnight thev will answer ques-ldoff. Leon H. Mayhea, Charles i'il}nY~ ayer ot'fM sociolostructors.
v· ~a~ men h s b 11 e ap~r d 0~ tions from the audiences. C. Moskos. Anatol Rapoport, gy department and i\Irs. Nan-
The Michigan "teach-in,'' tile am a\f,eth eefn plrtm e a A ma"s protest rallv on the Dina Weinberg. Norma Dia- cy Gendell of the Ann Arbor
~~ h'~ ~ h a l rea d Y· h a_s s t'J mu I a t e d .bJeer se xapnedn swe i0ll bee daiscturi bYut mede mto- Univesrj·t y "Diag· onal" ·,I s sched- mon d ' Th omas F . Mayer. R o b - c h ap t er o f Wo men Stn ' k e f or·
similar demonstratiOns on other 1 . th Ad .. t f . uled for miclni"ht. Address- ert L. Isaacson, Jerome Rabow. Peace w1ll address the concludU.
S. campuses, is expected byexpua~n ~ . mJms ra 1011 view ing the rally fro~1 the steps of Morris F. Friedel!. Carl Ogles- ing rally at 7 a.m. on the main
faculty spokesmen to draw up- on · · po ICles. . . the main library building will by, Jerry Weinberg, Stephen library steps.
wards of 1,500 students for 121 Among four motwn _PICtures be Prof. Frithjof Bergmann of Berkowitz, Robbins Burling. Among f u r t h e r actions
hours of-lectures, seminars, mo-1to be s h o ~v n contmuou_sly the Philosophv Department· Theodore l\1. Newcomb, Berg- planned, the leaders of the faction
pictures and rallies. !hrough the mght and morm~g Prof. Kenneth Boulding. direc'- mann, II. Merrill Jackson, Rich- ulty protest said, is participa-
Gamson, one of the protest's,IS one produced by the VIet tor of the Center for Researchjard D. 1\Iann, Robert Posner, tion in a national protest dem,
chairmen, said telegrams of:Corrg_ ~nd shown recently on a on Conflict Resolu''"n; Allan Marc Pilisuk, Jack Rothman onstration by university professympathy
and support are ar- teleVlsJOn network. Haber a founder of Students and Joseph D. Sneed. <>ors from all parts of the counriving
from other universities The "teach-in" will begin at for a' Democratic Society and Zweig, Dina and Jerry Wein- try in Washington April 8, 9,
and colleges. IR p.m. today in the four aucli- the Rev. J. Edgar Ed\~ards. berg, Berkowitz and Magidoff and 10.
Though the University does)toriums of Angell Hall, withlminister of the Congregational r --not
officially support the mass addresses by Robert Browne, Guild House. ,
faculty protest, officials have . .John ,J)~ ~!:i~d krthur Was- Prof. William P. Livant, who
made ava~lable fou~· auditori- kow. W t U Ml'"\f"{ ~ 4 1965 .has arranged the program from 1
m_ns and. f1ve classr_ooms, along . ~rowne was formerly an of·l~he midnight rally to a conclud-.
With proJection eqmpment, am-lfJCial of the American AID 1mg rally at 7 a.m .. says ,there
plifiers and other aids, for thei(Aid for International Develop-jwill be two series of eight
"teach-in." ment) program in Viet Nam, seminars each, with 31 resource
Demonstrations & Protests
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Professors
Vietnam War
Aid for International Development (AID)
Institute for Policy Studies
University of Michigan - Center for Research on Conflict Resolution
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William A. Gamson
Arnold Kaufman
Robert Browne
John Donahue
Arthur Waskow
Frithjof Bergmann
J. Edgar Edwards
Kenneth Boulding
William P. Livant