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'Teach-In' Program Detailed

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1\Iore than 200 University fac· Prof. Arnold Kaufman, anoth- where he lived for six years. people, in Angell Hall audito- are g r a d u ate students and
ulty members are contributing er leader of the faculty group, 1 Donahue is a !11ichigan State•riums B. c and D and f i v ejOg!esby is an Ann Arbor pla~-
$. 1 :,0 00-plus to. ·<'. ·tage. the "teach·· sai.d the parti.C J. patm. g professors,Um· versi·t y anthropolo?I· st w h olclassrooms-M435, M439, l\I443. lvw nrg ih t. All the othersr are Urntn
demons~Iatwn m P r 0 test and instructors are "unified in has done extensi\'e fteld work 1\1447, and 1\1451-between 1:30 to e sty faculty me~be s. .
over the VIet Nam war sched- their disapproval of present U.S. in Viet Nam. Waskow is a 3 a.m. and between 4 to 6 a.m., Concurrent!~ WI_th the semi·
u_led to go through the mght un-,policies in Viet Nam, but do not resident fellow of the Jnstitute!The fourth auditorium will be nars and motion_ pictures, a protil
7 a.m. to_morrow on th~- c~m·~agree on alternative policies." for Policy Studies in Washing- used for motion pictures. ~est workshop WI~ be held startpus,
accordmg to Prof. \\Ilha~ He said one function of the ton, D.C.. Participating in the seminar mg at 1:3_0 a.m. m Rootn 1\I 429 ·
~- Gamson .. :\lore _th~n 50 Will 'teach-in'' will be to explore Their speeches will be broad-lgroups will be'Ayoub Gyr. Eric . A meetmg to plan further acalso
be program participants. and develop possible alterna- cast simultaneously to audi- R. Wolf, Michael Zweig, Bould- twn will be h~ld from 6 to 7
They represent more than 10 tives ences in the four auditoriums. ing, John H. Broomfield, 0. a.m. m Auditonum B of Angell
per cent of the University f~c- Ab~irl ed co 1ies of the State From approximat(•ly 10 p.m. to I Andrew Collver, Richard Magi- Hall. t..A/\0 ? 4 1(\~5
ulty of 1,981 professors and m- De t g t' F'WI't p ,, midnight thev will answer ques-ldoff. Leon H. Mayhea, Charles i'il}nY~ ayer ot'fM sociolostructors.
v· ~a~ men h s b 11 e ap~r d 0~ tions from the audiences. C. Moskos. Anatol Rapoport, gy department and i\Irs. Nan-
The Michigan "teach-in,'' tile am a\f,eth eefn plrtm e a A ma"s protest rallv on the Dina Weinberg. Norma Dia- cy Gendell of the Ann Arbor
~~ h'~ ~ h a l rea d Y· h a_s s t'J mu I a t e d .bJeer se xapnedn swe i0ll bee daiscturi bYut mede mto- Univesrj·t y "Diag· onal" ·,I s sched- mon d ' Th omas F . Mayer. R o b - c h ap t er o f Wo men Stn ' k e f or·
similar demonstratiOns on other 1 . th Ad .. t f . uled for miclni"ht. Address- ert L. Isaacson, Jerome Rabow. Peace w1ll address the concludU.
S. campuses, is expected byexpua~n ~ . mJms ra 1011 view ing the rally fro~1 the steps of Morris F. Friedel!. Carl Ogles- ing rally at 7 a.m. on the main
faculty spokesmen to draw up- on · · po ICles. . . the main library building will by, Jerry Weinberg, Stephen library steps.
wards of 1,500 students for 121 Among four motwn _PICtures be Prof. Frithjof Bergmann of Berkowitz, Robbins Burling. Among f u r t h e r actions
hours of-lectures, seminars, mo-1to be s h o ~v n contmuou_sly the Philosophv Department· Theodore l\1. Newcomb, Berg- planned, the leaders of the faction
pictures and rallies. !hrough the mght and morm~g Prof. Kenneth Boulding. direc'- mann, II. Merrill Jackson, Rich- ulty protest said, is participa-
Gamson, one of the protest's,IS one produced by the VIet tor of the Center for Researchjard D. 1\Iann, Robert Posner, tion in a national protest dem,
chairmen, said telegrams of:Corrg_ ~nd shown recently on a on Conflict Resolu''"n; Allan Marc Pilisuk, Jack Rothman onstration by university professympathy
and support are ar- teleVlsJOn network. Haber a founder of Students and Joseph D. Sneed. <>ors from all parts of the counriving
from other universities The "teach-in" will begin at for a' Democratic Society and Zweig, Dina and Jerry Wein- try in Washington April 8, 9,
and colleges. IR p.m. today in the four aucli- the Rev. J. Edgar Ed\~ards. berg, Berkowitz and Magidoff and 10.
Though the University does)toriums of Angell Hall, withlminister of the Congregational r --not
officially support the mass addresses by Robert Browne, Guild House. ,
faculty protest, officials have . .John ,J)~ ~!:i~d krthur Was- Prof. William P. Livant, who
made ava~lable fou~· auditori- kow. W t U Ml'"\f"{ ~ 4 1965 .has arranged the program from 1
m_ns and. f1ve classr_ooms, along . ~rowne was formerly an of·l~he midnight rally to a conclud-.
With proJection eqmpment, am-lfJCial of the American AID 1mg rally at 7 a.m .. says ,there
plifiers and other aids, for thei(Aid for International Develop-jwill be two series of eight
"teach-in." ment) program in Viet Nam, seminars each, with 31 resource