M Cagers Face Sharpshooting Kentucky
M Capers Face Sharpshooting Kentucky
Clutch Charities Save Wolverines
By Wayne DeNeff
IOWA CITY — Coach Dave
Strack should have no trouble
getting his Michigan basketball
team "up" for tonight's game.
The Wolverines foe is top.
ranked Kentucky and the prize (Jrreen- the home of Western! The entire game was packed Russell again ran into trouble ins took the ball over the 10 way in the second half but Ken-1 Wolverines who could not get
is the NCAA Mid-East Regional Kentucky, and yesterday tele-with drama and the crescendo when Wayne Chapman inter-! second line and got his shottucky's shooting pressure was the ball inside and were not hit-
championship. " phoned converstations were be-came in the last four minutes, ec, a foul by My erst away in good shape but it was too great, ting from outside.
It promises to be a tremen SW'Beat Michigan." Michigan went into a s t a 11 aclinic :nay have saved the short. Myers was there to grab Michigan again showed a ten- Michigan's second i. ie
dous same between the cham But an their enthusiasm and with 3:50 to play and leading,__________________the most important rebound of dene" -i team off the hook. was more deliberate and the
nionsof thp Rio Tpn anrl
eastern Conference-titlists Roth''"11110??^ and finally Russe11 was baseball LOaCh Ic; iump ball when the front of the Hilltoppers, 25-14,]go in front, 54.53, after three
teams Droved a»am last nishtiP1^' i" the consolation game at fouled at 2:32 while he worked „„„ ^ -, . Hniiu^,,;--. swarmed over My-and, 37-27, to start some peo-jand half minutes of play. They
whv thev arp rhamnions hv dV 7 P-"1- (8 P-"1-. Ann Arbor time) his way along the base line. VVlll DC OpeaRer ers, but time had run out. pie thinking about a rout. Butiretained a two to six point lead
niavino great skill and niavine against Dayton while Michigan The ^"1 sent Hilltopper r It was a jubilant gang of Wol-each time, the Hilltoppers until the final hectic minutes.
tough In the clutch and Kentucky will clash at 9 Dwight Smith of the game on Michigan Baseball Coach |verines who filed through the bounced back and spurted into Russell, although his point to-
Michigan's Plaver-of-the P-m. (10 p.m.. Ann Arbor time). Personals and Russell canned Moby Benedict win be the noisy throng to their dressing a 47-41 half time lead with a|tal was the lowest in many
Year Cazzie Russpll riunkpril The championship will be tele- "oth ends of the "one and one" speaker and a member of room, but there was little time|zone defense which bothered theigames, led the Wolverines with
two free throws with 11 second^151^ ^ Detroit Nation WJBK- to put the Wolverines 78-75. the basketball coaching staff for celebrating in view of to-
left to give the ^ and carried bv Ann Arbor Western Kentucky came right will answer questions per., night's task.
thrill-Dacked 8079 triumnh over'^adio stations WUOM-FM and back to make it 78-77 when re- taining to the Wolverine's The Wolverines must find the
Ohio Valley Conferencecham-^^1- servist Bm Kaufman hit a ^P-i W^ action when members |answer to slick ball - handling,
pion, Western Kentucky. ! "I just wish." said Western!^from thesldeat 1,58. .„[ of the University of Michigan quick moving and excellent
And Kentucky, a great shoot-Kentucky Coach John Oldham, Then ^lch1^ s plan to stall Club of Ann Arbor assemble shooting Wildcats, who were led
ing team which now has won "that we could put more pounds andgeta ^ma na^n^ at noa^ i"T^T 7^ ? last night by a 6-0 3umor Louie
25 of 26 games, pulled away on each of our men. ^L^"!,0^ mg W1H ^.held at ^ com- Sampler, who fired in 14 of 23
from Dayton in the last two "Michigan's size and strength S ^0^36^^^^^^^ mons Building on North Cam - | field goal attempts and s.orcd
minutes for an 86-79 victory that made the difference," he said, Mi^ on w^. p_______________ !34 P01"^- Teammate Pat R?'
left the 13,000 fans limp even "and we knew that would be tercep^^^^^————————————:—————a 6-3 junior' hit 11 of 18 """
before the Michigan - Western our problem before the game -thaminiitpto^^^^^^^ inompson ^y ^ Michigan. C h a p m a n scored 29 points.
Kentucky contest got underway, started. There were times I ApainthpWolverines failed to missed the free throw with 14 But the wildcats' wh0 have
Tonight's winner will go on to thought it was the Michigan foot- got a shot Thp ball eot awav sec(mds left t0 P^ and Rus- no starters over 6-5, had plen-
the University of Maryland next ball team out there." l^ ^pll as hp slinned se11 tied "P Greg smith £or the ^ of trouble with Dayton s 7
week and join three other teams Western Kentucky, a fine re- S tr^ne to Led Jim Mvers rebound- toot center Henry Finkel. Fin.
in competition for the national bounding team, actually won the ^p,, thp hnnn FlpmH^^^^ On the jump ball Smith put kel ——^ ——^ Kpntiickv
championship, battle of the boards, 44-43, but was there to orabthe free ball la restraining hand on —"""" —
moved around Kentucky
championship, battle'of the'boards,"^-^' but!11""61'!,1118 t^flh^^frSe'Tai^a "restraining^hand" o-n"--Russeli sophomore Thad Jaracz and his
It was a heart breaking loss it was obvious they took a lot mu, ffiii+nnnp^ Ji: Tin thp hot if or his fourth foul and Russell 6-8 substitute sophomore Cliff
for the Western Kentucky Hill- of punishmentas Michigan mus- •h^tinoStPvp^r netted the free throw I Berger, for 36 points.
toppers and they sobbed openly celed its way to its 18th victory -fha0 ic-f^ar and Westem and the bonus to put Michi-S Although losing, Dayton did
,?s •;hiii ih,-!^ room. During in 25 starts. It was only the Sentuc^kv was a^iead 79-78 w^ ahead, 80-79, with 11 sec-lnothing but gain admirers for
the winter they eat, sleep and third defeat in 27 games for ^"pSs^ttnolav jonds left to play. |the way it stayed with the na-
drink basketball in Bowling Western Kentucky. <;/seconas leu 10 pidy. | ^^ ^ ^^ ^,, ^ ^ up tion's number one ranked team.
Hilltoppers fed their The Flyers led at the half, 40-
T. ,.,,c , ho.^ breaking loss it was obvious they took a lot ^o Hilltoopers set up the hotltor his fourth foul and
(..(.tils-, 0-S 1-! 3 1 1
Riley 11.18 7-8 8 3 29
Jaracz 7-9 3-3 7, 3 17
Dampier 14-23 6-7 6 1 34
Kron 1.6 1-1 6 3 3
Berger 1-3 0.0 0 4 2
Lemasters 0-2 0.0 1 0 0
|a play
; leading
Haskins. Hask- 38, and were aheo
34.66 18-20 31 15 86
May 6-16 4-5 3 3 16
Torein 2-10 2-2 4 3 6
Finkel 15-26 6-7 13 4 36
Waterman 6-13 2-4 9 3 14
Klauf 1-1 0.0 0 1 2
Cassidy 0-0 0-0 0 0 0
Hooper 2-7 1-2 7 3 5
32-73 15-20 34 17 79
Team Rebounds: Kentucky 3, Day-
ton 2.
Half-time Score; Dayton 40, Ken-
^ tucky 38.
Officials: Otis Allmone and Charles
Attendance: 13,000.
Miit'llUtam.c; WESTER N KEN1 FUCKY (79 )
Haskins 5-16 5-7 12 3 15
D. Smith 3-10 1-2 2 5 7
Cunningham 11-21 2-4 6 0 24
G. Smith 4.11 1-3 13 4 9
Chapman 11-23 0.1 6 4 22
Kaufman 1-2 0-0 0 0 2
35-83 9-17 39 16 79
8.12 2-2 2 2 18
7-16 4-5 12 -1 .18
4-15 2-3 19 3 10
7-15 10-12 6 3 24
4-9 0-0 538
0-0 0-0 000
1-2 0-0 112
The Ball Hawk
Michigan's jumping Oliver Darden wins
a leaping battle with a Western Kentucky
player to hawk the ball last night in the
NCAA regional playoff game. Michigan's
John Thompson (25) and John Clawson (34)
are in the background with Western Ken-
tucky's Clem Haskins (22). Darden's efforts
paid off with a victory.
Which Way To Go?
31-69 18-22 36 13
^FB:-.' ??--bounds: Western Kentucky
S. • 7.
Score: Western Keniuck,
4/, wn.ingdn 41.
Officials: Louis Eisenstein and
Steve Honzo.
Attendance: 13,000. _,
'•. >JH
Dwight Smith (35) o) n Kentucky handles the ball
and looks for an alley to n'a»ci against Michigan last night
at Iowa City. Michigan's Jim Myers (54) and Western Ken-
tucky's Wayne Chapman (10) are in the background.
24 while John Clawson and Dar-
den played fine games and
turned in 18 points each. Claw-
son took 12 •l^(c• and made
eight. Darde Myers were
the outstanding icbounders for
Michigan with 12 and 10, re-
I spectively.
I The sharp-shooting Cunning-
ham canned 11 of 21 field goal
attempts to lead Western Ken-
tucky with 24 points.
The Wolverines out-shot their
rivals by hitting for 31 of 69
from the field for .449 per cent
while Western Kentucky made
good on 35 of 83 for a .442 per-
Wayne DeNeff
WUOM-FM (Michigan Radio)
Western Kentucky Hilltoppers
WAAM Radio
University of Michigan – Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Athletics
Television Stations
Radio Stations
Player of the Year
Ohio Valley Conference
National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Tournament
Mideast Regional Championship
Michigan Wolverines
Kentucky Wildcats
Dayton Flyers
Awards Honors Prizes
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Thad Jaracz
Steve Cunningham
Steve Chapman
Pat Riley
Oliver Darden
Louie Dampier
John Thompson
John Oldham
John Clawson
Jim Myers
Henry Finkel
Greg Smith
Dwight Smith
Dave Strack (Coach)
Cliff Berger
Clem Haskins
Cazzie Russell
Bill Kaufman