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Wolverine Notes

i game tonight," said Western after his Flyers were beaten by
; K litucky Coach John Oldham, Kentucky.

By Wayne DeNeff

IOWA CITY — Michigan
Kentucky will be meeting on , .„(. i felt. we played well

^TJL^^l^L^L.^ to win."

o —— o

. it I felt. we played well .,, . °—— : ,
ie , . ,, Western Kentucn.. i;,ied a

second time when they square enou§" t° wm-__ screen as effectively as a n y
tonight in the NCAA Mideast ° team Michigan has faced this
Regional final. | Michigan's Oliver Darden is season. Most of the times the

Way back ir "• "ist a few tit anc1 ready t° P^V tonight, screen worked for Steve Cun-
years before -v i;upp was Darden suffered a leg cramp "ingham. the Hilltoppers best

to begin his fabulous career, in the last few seconds of the shooter wh0 camed a •520 mark
Michigan won 21-11, in a game Western Kentucky game and mTO e game'

Michigan's answer to the

played at Lexington.
While Ketcky "has a great SST^ne "a^Yn-d |-° the game and it worked well.

was taken out and replaced by

g screen was a zone defense later

"^"peSs* ^"d™ ^stdT when ""• fina' , "He ^^"t Ie was

championships-it has not fared! o __ o t00 ^P' , sald oldham about
tnn wpii in pnnfrrm+atirm withi . . , Clem Haskms last shot and
too well m comrontation with, i^ y hurt us with that zone wpstprn's last oasu fo trv to ri(i

Big Ten teams. In fact, since defense," said Michigan Coach ea Michiga

" - Big Ten has come out pave Strack. "We did not at- teat ^^a11-________

v . iunes in every meeting ^ck it the wav we should have |———————"-—————'•"•

Southeastern Conference repre- - „ , , „ „ .„ , * lw IXCCUI U.9

sentatives). In the second half' the \\0,!' .,,,„,,.,
Kentuckv was on the losing veI'lnes were moving the ballj ^ 'Ss^
end to Iowa in 1956, Michigan around and lnslde ^ zone and ,03 ...„::: Bowling Green
State in 1957, Ohio State in 1961 wlthout, nearlv as much trouble, 1 ""- - B^ chTa'6
and <'- > again in 1962. Th^ •d\s0 were g^ the ban M :":-"" San Prancis

Ke; - NCAA champion-t0 Russe11 rea1 welL :3, K --:. ---
ships, however, equal those of "Kentucky has the ability to\ 97 Ar^iona^ state - „--
the Big Ten. Big Ten National make the big play. and Louie ^
champions were Indiana in 1940, Dampier is a complete player. 83
Wisconsin 1941, Indiana in 1953 He has poise. He can drive. And ^
and Ohio State in 1960. boy can he score. He is the best »?
o —— o guard I have seen this year," $3

na Louie e player. rive. And the best s year," Donoher 93 .01 Washington State i--Ohio State -- -- -.. 81 — 78
88 —— 68
93 -—-97 ---„..- - Northwestern „ .-- — 86 — 85
69 ----- . Wisconsin --. --— Illinois .--.--...-- -- 67 -— 99
—. 76 - 102
120 —.-—
gi11?6 128 — 94
82 -.-— -. - Iowa ..-- - - - 91
105 -, 103 - --105 -- - Purdue -Iowa . Northwestern Michigan State Western Kentucky 18 L—7KENTUCKY — 85 .- 88 92 86 79— 53
77 —— 80 .' ' : / W—»1», I--99 .. ---
Virginia . .--Illinois — 78 - 6S - 75 5S 5< 73 6; .. 7C 61 — 6;
86 -.----
78 —.-—
»1 -.,-..-
103 V—— -- No ° .
80 ..—-
78 ——. (» „----
Vanderbilt . Louisiana State - . - 8;
111 -—.-- .- 8; . 7(
115 -——
82 ..-.-105——— ,,. Alabama Vanderbilt 6: 9( 5( 7! 6' - 6; 61 6; - 6'
74 „„ -
85 ——-77 -—— 90 ———- .- Florida Auburn -Alabama Mississippi State Mississippi .
78 ———
42 - —— -104 ,—— — Tennessee .------ - Tulane . -... -— 61 -— 7( — 7!
8(—-W— - Dayton , -25 L—l

"We did not play a real good said Dayton Coach Don Donoher "