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Pryce Leaving Trust Post

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C. Russell Pryce, vice president and trust officer in the corporate trust department of the Ann Arbor Trust Co., retired today, concluding nearly 38 years with the firm.
A native of Ann Arbor and a 1927 University graduate, Pryce was lauded for his years of service and contributions from the early years of Ann Arbor Trust by President Earl H. Cress.
"His dedication and attention to our organization's financial responsibilities on behalf of countless individuals, families, estates, organizations and corporations, has been a source of great strength to our officers and staff," Cress said.
Cress announced Pryce's duties in the corporate trust department have been assumed by David D. Merriman, until recently controller of the McCord Corp., Detroit.
Pryce, 67, lives at 1120 Miller with his wife, Thelma, and their daughter, Sally J., an Ann Arbor public school system teacher. He joined Ann Arbor Trust on Aug. 1, 1928.
Merriman, 53, was corporate controller with Argus Cameras, Inc., for 10 years before becoming associated with McCord, auto parts manufacturer.
Merriman has a master's degree from the University's Graduate School of Business Administration, and has taken additional work at Harvard Business School and Detroit College of Law.
Merriman, his wife and their two children reside at 2030 Norway.