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Film Case Defense Fund Set

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Film Case
Fund Set

The University's Faculty As-
sembly Civil Liberties Board
Defense Fund
ited following
;uiice seizure last week of the
"Flaming Creatures" film on
the grounds it is obscene.

In announcing establishment
of the fund, the r^uKv board
issued the follow;' '•ment:

The Civil Liberties Board

• -tiblished last fall by the 'Uni-
versity's Faculty Assembly is
j taking up consideration of the '
| Ann Arbor police seizure on Jan.
J18, o^^.min.iilluwn by the Cin-f
("n;> Guild .sisb.scquent arrest on •(nC^e-

;inor charges of three student,
embers of the board and a fac- ~
ulty member serving as assist- 5
,ant manager, i
"Without regard to merits or (
shortcomings of the film seized
the board is seriously concerned <.;

with possible violations of a n d ^
threats to freedom of expression ^
and freedom of inquiry. ^

"The Cinema Guild is a non- <
profit student group formed by \
the Student Government Council (
17 years ago. In providing show- (
in,L;,s of film classics and other '<•
materials relating to the devel- 1
opment of the medium, it has
been making an educational and (
i cultural contribution to the Uni
vcrsit \ coin m unity.

' 1'ii--' .^ci/.i.n' and arrest raise!
questions about the relations be-
itween law enforcement agencies

•and the University. While the
University does not claim im-
munity from the laws governing
the community at large, the Uni-
versity could not serve the com-
munity at large without its tra-
ditional freedoms of assembly.
discussion, and inquiry.

"Because of the larger impli-
cations of this case for civil
'•(.'rties and academic freedom,
•- Civil Liberties Board urges
ipport by i inher of the
^.niversity to; 'i;'' 'cgal defense
ol the case. Accordingly the
Civil Liberties Board announces
the creation of a Cinema Guild
Defense. Fund. Prof. Robert
Friedman, acting director of the
Institute of Public Administra-
•tion, has been designated treas-!
urer of the fund and is receiving |
contributions. '•..
"After further examination of!
the case and its implications,!
the Civil Liberties Board expects |
to present additional proposals."'
Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the'
philosophy department is chair-