Film Case Defense Fund Set
Film Case
Fund Set
The University's Faculty As-
sembly Civil Liberties Board
Defense Fund
ited following
;uiice seizure last week of the
"Flaming Creatures" film on
the grounds it is obscene.
In announcing establishment
of the fund, the r^uKv board
issued the follow;' '•ment:
The Civil Liberties Board
• -tiblished last fall by the 'Uni-
versity's Faculty Assembly is
j taking up consideration of the '
| Ann Arbor police seizure on Jan.
J18, o^^.min.iilluwn by the Cin-f
("n;> Guild
.sisb.scquent arrest on •(nC^e-
;inor charges of three student,
embers of the board and a fac- ~
ulty member serving as assist- 5
,ant manager, i
"Without regard to merits or (
shortcomings of the film seized
the board is seriously concerned <.;
with possible violations of a n d ^
threats to freedom of expression ^
and freedom of inquiry. ^
"The Cinema Guild is a non- <
profit student group formed by \
the Student Government Council (
17 years ago. In providing show- (
in,L;,s of film classics and other '<•
materials relating to the devel- 1
opment of the medium, it has
been making an educational and (
i cultural contribution to the Uni
vcrsit \ coin m unity.
' 1'ii--' .^ci/.i.n' and arrest raise!
questions about the relations be-
itween law enforcement agencies
•and the University. While the
University does not claim im-
munity from the laws governing
the community at large, the Uni-
versity could not serve the com-
munity at large without its tra-
ditional freedoms of assembly.
discussion, and inquiry.
"Because of the larger impli-
cations of this case for civil
'•(.'rties and academic freedom,
•- Civil Liberties Board urges
ipport by i inher of the
^.niversity to; 'i;'' 'cgal defense
ol the case. Accordingly the
Civil Liberties Board announces
the creation of a Cinema Guild
Defense. Fund. Prof. Robert
Friedman, acting director of the
Institute of Public Administra-
•tion, has been designated treas-!
urer of the fund and is receiving |
contributions. '•..
"After further examination of!
the case and its implications,!
the Civil Liberties Board expects |
to present additional proposals."'
Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the'
philosophy department is chair-
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Student Government Council
University of Michigan Faculty Assembly Civil Liberties Board
University of Michigan Cinema Guild Defense Fund
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Robert Friedman
Abraham Kaplan