Delay Granted In Film Case
Delay Granted In Film Case Four defendants charged with showing an obscene film at the University's Cinema Guild Last January asked for and received an adjournment of their pre- trial hearing yesterday. Ellen P. Frank, Mary E. Barkey and Elliott S. Barden, all 20 and all students at the Univei-yi Hubert I. Co- hen, 36, iyi !i!i; adviser to the guild, requested the adjourn- iment of their hearing until Oct. '4 when a trial date is scheduled to be set. Circuit Court Judge William F. Ag^r-Jr. grgnted-the adjourn- ment. r ' y / The defendants are accused of showing the film "Flaming Creatures" to a paid-admission audience of the Cinema Guild. The film was confiscated by po- lice during the showing and ruled obscene by Ann Arbor Municipal Court. Judge S. 3. Elden.
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Crime & Criminals
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Mary E. Barkey
William F. Ager Jr
S. J. Elden
Hubert Cohen
Elliott S. Barden
Ellen P. Frank