Jury Being Chosen In 'U' Movie Case
Jury Being Chosen In 'U' Movie Case Selection of a Circuit Court jury began shortly before noon today for trial of three Univer- sity students and a faculty member on charges of showing an obscene film. The film, "Flaming Crea- tures," was being shown by a student group, Cinema Guild.m the TTn-TTutiir _^rrtiijitirr'|mr Auditorium, when it was seized on Jan.18. The showing was halted part way through by Ann Arbor Po- lice Detective Lt. Eugene L. Staudenmaier who was in the audience. Defendants in the case are students Ellen P. Frank, Mary E. Barkey and Elliott S. Bar- den, all 20, and English instruc- The "111- tor Hubert I. Cohen, 36. students are i' T' ' bers of the C of directors, ana ^onen rd was named by police as faculty ad- visor for the guild. Prosecuting Attorney William E. Delhey was expected to call Staudenmaier as his first wit- ness and then to introduce the film. A defense move before thi jury selection proceedings to al low the Civil Liberties Board o the University Faculty Assem biy to intervene on the side o the defense was denied b^ Judge William F. Ager Jr. be cause the attorney who madi the motion, law Prof. Joseph L Sax, was not present. «
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Courts - Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Police Department
Ann Arbor Film Festival
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William F. Delhey
William F. Ager Jr
Mary E. Barkey
Joseph L. Sax
Hubert Cohen
Eugene L. Staudenmaier
Elliott S. Barden
Ellen P. Frank
Old Architecture and Design Auditorium