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Film Jury Selection Completed

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FAnn Arbor Film Festival, University of Michigan Cinema Guild, The Flaming Creatures (Film), University of Michigan - Students, University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff, Ann Arbor Police Department, ilm Jury

| A jury of 11 women and three
men was named shortly before
noon today to hear the "Flam-
ing Creatures" film case in
Washtenaw Circuit Court.

The jury was selected after 37 '
names were drawn, with defense
attorneys using 16 of the their
120 challenges and Prosecutor
| William F. Delhey four. Three
prospective jurors were excused
by the court.

Circuit Judge William F. Ager
Jr. questioned prospective
jurors at length on their views
on nudity and sex in films, at
the request of defense attorneys
who told the court that "Flam-
ing Creatures" does "show a
number of things which are way
out in terms of nudity unrl .sex."

Ager also instruc'ii en-
tire jury panel from which the
jury on the case will be chosen
ithat there will be four separate
! verdicts in the case and that
each person must be proven re-
sponsible for the showing and
for knowing the film was ob- <
scene for him or her to be con* ^
victed. '

The trial was delayed yester-
day morning by the absence of
two defendants who arrived
late. When the case opened
shortly before noon, Ager de-
nied three defense motions. They
were to allow the Civil Liber-
ties Board of the University
Faculty Assembly to intervene,
to grant Elliot Barden a sepa-
rate trial, and to allow defense
'attorneys to question the jury
