Film Case Costs U-M Coed $235
Film Case Costs
U-M Coed $235'
The University coed who was Dec. 12, was ordered to pay t«
Chairman of the University's maximum fine of $100, co\w
Cinema Guild when's^ showed costs of $125, a statutory fee •
the film, "Flaming Creatu res," $10, which is 10 per cent of !!•
ivas senlfcig^fidtoDajfcrit^Hrertnd fine and goes to the state's Lail
;ourt costs of S235 yester
n Circuit Court. ^ to serve 10 days in jail.
Mary E. Barkc-y, 21, of Flint, Charges against 'three other
,vho pleaded guilty to being a persons, Hubert Cohen, an Eng-
lisorderly person by showing hsh instructor who was faculty
in obscene motion picture on adviser to the Cinema Guild,
'".and Cinema Guild board mem-
'bers Ellen Frank and Elliott
Barden, both 20, were dismisstf
on the motion orf Chief Assist
ant Prosecuting Attorney Casper
|H. Kast, following the sentenc-
' The charge to which Miss
iBarkey pleaded guilty is a mis-
1 demeanor which carries'a pdfe
jsible penalty of up to 90 days^(
jail. The original charge facial
, all four persons was showing an
' obscene motion picture, a high
' misdemeanor, which carried a
possible penalty of one year VQ,
Miss Barkey entered her pleir
just after the trial had begun
i and just before Prosecuting At-
; torney William F. Delhey was
to show the film to the jury.
Asked specifically by Judge Wil-
liam F. Ager Jr. if the film is
obscene, she replied, "Yes."
She said she had not thought this
' at the time she previewed it for
the Jan. 18, 1967 showing in the
University's Architecture Audi-
s torium. It was seized by Ann
Arbor police part way through
the first of two scheduled show-
The present Cinema Guild
board issued a statement last
night in which it said the film is
not pornographic . . . and that
the seizure damaged academic,
Cinema Guild plans to drop
its countersuit against Ann Ar-
, bor Police Chief Walter Krasny,
Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier, and
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney i
Thomas F. Shea. That suit in
Federal District Court sought
$15,000 damages and a per-
manent injunction against fur-
ther film seizures.
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Courts – Federal
Courts - Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Police Department
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William F. Delhey
Walter E. Krasny
Thomas F. Shea
Mary E. Barkey
William F. Ager Jr
Hubert Cohen
Eugene L. Staudenmaier
Elliott S. Barden
Ellen P. Frank
Casper H. Kast
Old Architecture and Design Auditorium