Offer Advice About Draft

Vietnam War
University of Michigan- Student Government Council
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
Selective Service Boards
Military Draft
Interfaith Council for Peace (ICP)
Guild House
Draft Deferments
Draft Counseling Center
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Baptist Campus Center
Association of Religious Counselors
Ann Arbor-Washtenaw Council of Churches
American Friends Service Committee
Ann Arbor News
Old News
J. Daniel Burke Jr.
Ruth Baumann
Ronald L. Tipton
Roger Lind
Robert Roth
Robert Hauert
Richard Singleton
Richard Post
Richard Blank
Reubin Chapman
Ralph Kerman
Mary Roth
Johan Eliot
J. Edgar Edwards
Harold Horan
Eugene A. Ransom
Edward Voss
Dennis Sinclair
David Rohr
Craig Hammond
Corwin Moore
Arthur Sibbergeld
Arthur Boyd
502 E Huron St