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Will Close East End Of Washington St.

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Will Close East End of Washington St.

Washington St. will be closed between Forest and Fletcher in the near future.

After a public hearing last night at which several persons objected, the City Council voted unanimously to allow the street to be closed.

The University had requested the closing to permit construction of a new School of Dentistry building and a parking structure. Both the City Planning Commission and consulting engineers Harland Bartholomew and Associates had recommended it.

John G. McKevitt, assistant vice president for business and finance at the University, told the council vacating Washington between Forest and Fletcher the University to use the full 20 acres in the area for development and to link the central campus and the medical center.

He said the U-M was ready to move ahead with building almost immediately.

Residents who spoke on the issue generally objected on the grounds that present traffic patterns do not necessarily indicate what would be needed in the future.

When asked what the U-M’s plans were for Felch Park, McKevitt said the University plans a building on a site just east of the park but will leave the wooded area and green area intact. He said the University will leave Felch Park itself untouched.