'Flaming Creatures' Going To Washington
With Shea, Staudenmaier
'Flaming Creatures'
Going To Washington ^
The local attorney and police Auditorium. It was billed as an
officer who seized the contro- "experimental" film and was
versial "Flaming Creatures" sponsored by the Chie.m^u^
*_ - - , —__ The motion picture was ruled
"ffl-s ago wnue 11 wasrr'obscene" by the WasI^
-,i on the University county Circuit Court, (in's :.
iiipus have been asl ''^[University coed who was chair-
S. Senate Judicii,, ,,m- ^^ ^ the Cinema Guild was
•mittee to bring the film to f^ed $235 for her involvement
[Washington, D.C., Tuesday. ^ ^ showing. Charges against
i The Senate committee is con- yiree other persons - one of
sidering the appointment of Abe whom was an English instruc-
Fortas as Chief Justice, tor on the U-M faculty — were
Assistant Prosecuting Attor- dismissed
ney Thomas F. < •ifirmed1 J^ce 'Fortas has been un-
today he and Ll .-. ic Stau-;——---——-—..-._--.
denmaier, an Ann Arbor police'
officer, will take the film to
Ithe Senate hearing at 9 a.m.,
'Tuesday. .
The "Flaming Creatures'"
movie was seized by Shea and
Staudenmaier Jan. 18, 1967,
shortly after the showing began
in the University's Architecture
der attack recently by members
of the Senate Judiciary Com-
mittee for his liberal stands in
the past on "obscene" films.
In 1964, the U. S. Supreme;
Court refused to reverse the'
conviction of three New Yorkj
men who had been convicted
earlier that year of showing
"Flaming Creatures" at a
commercial theater in that city.
In that decision, only Justice
Fortas said he would support
reversal of the convictions. Two •
other justices who often give
liberal interpretation to the,
First Amendment, Chief Jus-
tice Earl Warren and Justice,
William Brennan, indicated they ^
would have found the film ob-;
The New York film is the ,1
same movie as was shown in
Ann Arbor.
Ann Arbor Film Festival
University of Michigan Cinema Guild (Film Group)
University of Michigan - Students
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Campus
United States Supreme Court
United States Senate Judiciary Committee
The Flaming Creatures (Film)
Obscene Film
Courts - Washtenaw County
Ann Arbor Film Festival
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William Brennan
Thomas F. Shea
Eugene L. Staudenmaier
Abe Fortas
Washington D. C.
Old Architecture and Design Auditorium