Vivian Favors War Proposals
Weston E. Vivían of Ann Arbor, Democrati candidate for Congress in the Second District, is urging Michigan's delegation at the Democratie national convention to support proposals for ending the Vietnam war sponsored by Sens. Eugene J. McCarthy and George McGovern. In a telegram today to Sen. Philip A. Hart, chairman of Michigan's delegation, Vivian endorsed proposals by the two presidential candidates, and added a proposal "for a platform commitment to transfer not less than $10 billion from military expenditures to urgent domestic programs in 1969." '{ ij The McCarthy-McGovern proposals, also endorsed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, cali for: f "Negotiation of mutual phased withdrawal of all U.S. and North Vietnamese troops from South Vietnam, il "Encouragement of the government of South Vietnam to negotiate directly with the National Liberation Front (Viet Cong, and to move quickly to I broaden the government to in-, I elude representatives of all elements of South Vietnamese society," and I l "Lowering the level of U.S.I military operations, including cessation of all bombing of North Vietnam, and withdrawal of significant numbers of U.S. troops, while continuing to provide all necessary support for remaining U.S. troops facing hóstile forces." Vivian also endorsed a McCarthy-McGovern platform proposal, stating: "We shall neither assume the role of the world's policeman, nor lend support to corrupt, oppressive regimes . . . I Above all, we shall avoid the unilateral use of military means where the issues are political and our national security is not involved."