Doll on Fence Unconnected to Murders, Officials Say
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By William B. Treml' the Schell body. _ A resident of the area told sheriff’s men he girls on four separate occasions in the near south- “He kept yelling that he hated women and
(News Police Rex>0rter> ' Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey had said last _night saw the men get out_of the car, grab the _gu'l east area of the city. The first incident happened threatening to kill everyone,” one officer re-
A doll snagged on the a barbed wire fence the doll found on the Cherry Hill Rd. fence ap- and force her into their vehicle. Scout cars sped at Wells and Prospect and the second at Olivia- marked. “A psychiatristlater told us he was psy-
near four' separate murder scenes _is not con- peared not to be connected with any of the foul-_ to the scene and_spotted the red car moving north Granger, the chief sa1d._ The other incidents were choticand very dangerous.”
iiecied to the crimes, » killings. ' _ on US-23 at a high rate of speed. reported at Forest and Oakland and at Baldwin The man was missing from his home' on the.
Sheriff’S men Said they hed determined that “Several PerS0I1S WHO haVe contacted US Deputies activated their car’s blue light and and Granger- ~ nights of the last two murders, officers' learned.
8 dell, found Strung 011 2 barbed Wire fence in the reP01`i Seeing ihiS doll 011 the fence Wire Seme siren and a high-speed pursuit began which led On each occasion the youth spoke briefly to He has been temporarily committed to an in-
area Where the bodies Were discovered, had been time 2g0-b€f01‘e the latest murders,” Harvey north on US-23 past Whitmore Lake and into the girls and touched several of othem, Krasny stitution.
put on the fence by children. said. “There is nothing on the doll to indi- Livingston County. Pursing deputies radioed for said. The _girls ranged in age from 4 to 12. They Harvey says his men are continuing to con-
” The b10I1d-haired, life-like doll WRS discovered cate connection with the killings, although fur- assistance and Michigan State Police and Livings- were unharmed. A detailed description of the, centrate much of their activity on the abandoned
on the fence wire on Cherry Hill Rd; east of they checks _are being made.” ton County sheriff’s deputies attempted to inter- youth has been given to all area police agencies. farm house on LeForge Rd. south of-Geddes Rd.
Prospect Rd. in Superior Township 011 Thl1I‘Sd2Y- The five-department investigation into the cept the red car. The chief said his department is also investi- in Superior~Town»ship where it is believed Dawn
That area is near the spot where Mary Fles- rslayings of the two junior high school girls and But the vehicle apparently veered off US-23 gating a possible connection between the mur- . Basom was murdered. He said a second intensive'
zar, 19-year-old Eastern Michigan University the three college women shifted suddenly yes- andswung ohio a side road, deputies said_ When ders and a 35-year-old former mental patient from search of the building and grounds is being made.
coed, was found in* 1967 and 2% miles east of ierday to a hunt for a red car chased for more dark feii iesi night officers from the two sheriff’s Detroit. The man was arrested on a disorderly On Oct. 8, 1967, this farm house was the scene
the spot-where the garroted body of Dawn Basom, than 25 miles by sheriff’s deputies and state departments and the Brighton post were still conduct charge after he struck a businessman on of a wild “shoot-out” between rival motorcycle
13, was discover-ed last Wednesday morning. The troopers before it was lost in Livingston County. searching for the car. No report of a missing girl S. State near the Nickels Arcade. _ gangs which was finally broken up by a sheriff’s”
spot is about four miles east of Earhart Rd. and The car reportedly was occupied by three men or woman from the York Township area was re- When the arrest was effected the man began deputy who “talked” the two 331185 iHt0 Surrend-
Glacier Way where the stab-riddled body of who appeared to be of Mexican descent and who ceived yesterday. ` screaming and cursing and had to be forcibly re- ering. When the bizarre gun battle was over, four
Joan E. Schell, 20-year-old EMU coed, was apparently forced a young white girl into the' ‘ Ann Arbor Police Chief Walter E. Krasny strained when he was asked to sit down in an in- cyclists were wounded and 20 arrested.
found beaten 'to death off Pemberton Dr. in a vehicle at Willis Rd. and US-23 in York Town- said his department is looking for a youth about terview room at police headquarters, Krasny A cache of weapons 'ranging from shotguns
wooded lot last month less than a half-mile from ship yesterday afternoon. 20 riding a bicycle who attempted to molest young said.” - to bull whips and tire chains were confiscated.