Thousands Of Residents, Students Peacefully Protest War In Vietnam
Thousands of' Ann Arborites I chose scores of peaceful methI ods today to demónstrate their I opposition to the war in VietI nam. Activities w e r e scheduled I throughout the day and at noon I there had been no reports of I violence. Attendance atUniversity I classes on this "moratorium" I day of protest ranged from far I below normal in the College of I Literature, Science and the Arts, I the School of Social Work, I Architecture and Design and I the Music School, to slightly I below normal in the EngineerI ing College and the School of I Business Administration, t o I normal in the relatively small I School of Natural Resources. 'Unidentified students I attempted to chain North Hall, I where Reserve Officers TrainI ing Corps (ROTC) classes are I held, and a small number of demonstrators entered the building at 8 a.m. They left two classes after being warned of posslble state law violations. Air Force Col. A. T. Criscuolo angrily dismissed his class without f ormally warning disrupters to leave. U-M officials said late this morning they knew of no case in which a faculty member did not at least attempt to meet his class. Many were rescheduled, o r alternative assignments were made. For example, architecture Prof. Joseph J. Wehrer, who has been prominent in faculty efforts to negotiate with students on campus issues such as establishment of a U-M bookstore, said he did not meet his morning class and was inviting an afternoon class - made up of essentially the same students - to meet at his home this afternoon to discuss Vietnam. Many students and faculty not in regular classes, although far from all the U-M's 32,000 students, attended special events related to the "moratorium." Al HillAmMuíníiñfflHBI I ing, a crowd estimated at 2,500 M I to 3,000 persons heard I ics professor Daniel R. Fusfeld I attack the "military-industrial W complex" and cali for change p from within the system. W About 300 persons, mostly I U-M students plus a few i sors and a small number of local residents, heard a panel discussion of "Guns andor Butter" in University School's playground. Speakers were economics Prof. Gardner Ackley, until recently U. S. ambassador to Italy, and education Dean Wilbur J. Cohén, former Ü. S secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. Ackley's chief message was I that ending the Vietnam war ■ would not automatically r duce a huge "bonus" of money and resources for solving I domestic social problems. He described the cost of the I war as about $20 billion yearly I at the current rate, or about I one-twelfth of the total increase I in the nation's gross national I product since 1965. He added that continuing ■ L nomic growth, meaning I I tinuing growth in tax revenue, I I could produce a n "extra11 I amount of $24.5 billion yearly I I for new social programs such I I as housing and education. I I However, he emphasized, "this I I means putting the screws down I I hard on new weapons systems I Moratorium s t o r y I Fulton and Ron Cordray and Jack Stubbs. I denying the great majority I I . . . and phasing out civilian I I grams that are politically ■ lar but don't meet real needs." Ackley opened his remarks I by making clear that while he I feels "the war in Vietnam has ■ proved too costly in blood and I I resources for anything that has I I been gained or can be gained, ■ he is not in favor of "strikes or I moratoriums" if this means I ■ "interfering with the main I ■ ness of the University" or ïn■ eludes "any effort to inyolve the U n i v e r s i t y in political issues." m 1] fby Roy Reynolds, Doug Photos by Cecil Lockard 1_ ■ ' Further, Ackley opposed the concept that "leaders who have I not gotten us out of the war are ■ bloodthirsty monsters or agents I of a military-industrial complex H .i can't believe it is responsi;;M ble to demand immediate, píete withdrawal ofbrce from Vietnam . . ." In contrast, education Prof. Claude A. Eggersten, who arranged the Education I School's program today and I introduced Ackley, described I today's special events as "the I real business of the UniversiI ty." I At Hill Auditorium, Fusfeld, I also a prominent U-M I mist, said a major trend in this I country has been a I tion of economie power in the I hands of large corporations and I the growing concentration of I power in Washington, I ly in the executive branch. "The actions of the federal I government aid and support the I kinds of things large I tions do, and the actions of ■ large corporations aid and support the kinds of things the federal government does," the economics professor said. He said this cooperation between the corporations and I the federal government has taken place in a nation which "has ■ alwa.ys been expanionist." Fusfeld claimed that following the last world war, there was a shifting of power in Washington to the Pentagon, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the military. And for economie reasons, Fusfeld said, the labor unions and the universities have been "opted" into the system. "We have gone a long way toward becoming a fascist democracy," he said. He drew a large round of applause when he said "we've got to take the guns from the I generáis and the foreign policy away from the executive branch and bring it back to the control of the people." He also called for taking power away from the Pentagon, the I large corporations, and the I "super patriota." Outlinin? three courses that I can be followed, Fusfeld said I he favors working toward ecoI nomic and political changes I within the existing system. I "We've got to try and see if a I society like ours can't really I regenérate itself ... we must I define thehumanistic and I democratie goals we want and I work through political and ecoI nomic structures that lead to I these goals." Other alternatives, he said, would be to continue the pres1 ent U.S. policies, but he said no nation has ever tread this path successfully. A second alternative would be revolution, violence in the streets. He said "you must be skeptical" of that path to change, stating demoI cratic procedures and civil libI erties would be the first casual ties. Fusfeld said the Constituüonl I and the democratie structure I I give citizens the opportunity to I I change from within. He said I I these instruments have never I i "really been used before to I I move to fundamental I I tionary change." I The University Medical CenI ter Moratorium effort was featured by teach-ins in two different places in the medical center I área, and a film on the war in I another auditorium. After a mass meeting on the I lawn next to the hospital's main entrance and a silent vigil there student s, doctors, nurses, and workers in the hospital área moved to three sepaI rate locations for their particiI pation i n the moratorium effort. A movió, "The War Game," played to a packed auditorium in the Medical Sciences I ing, and many had to be I I turned away for lack of space. I The film was scheduled to be I I shown again this afternoon. Three panels of doctors and I medical students participated I in a teach-in in the 6th floor I auditorium of the main I sity Hospital. The panels were I on "The Doctor and the Draft," I "The Doctor, the War, and War I Medicine," and "The 1 ment of Social and 1 an Conscience of Health Care I Personnel." Approximately 60-80 I spectators were in the I ence. Another teach-in on "Nuclear I Warfare, CBW Research, and I the Moral and Intellectual I Responsibiiity of the Basic I Science to Human Needs" was I conducted in the large third I floor auditorium of the Medical I Sciences Building, attended by I over 150 snectators. After the teach-ins, I pants massed on the lawn next I to the hospital and held I er silent vigil. A noon rally participated in I by doctors and students led tn I another toach-in in the North I L e c t u r o Hall of M e d i c a I I Sciences H Building. The fitte of the seminar was "Southeast I Asia and How We Got There: I Cultural. Historical, and I cal Aspects of the War."
Roy Reynolds
Doug Fulton
Ron Cordray
Demonstrations & Protests
Anti-War Movement
Anti-War Protests
Student Protests
University of Michigan - Demonstrations & Protests
Vietnam War
Peace Rally
October 15 1969 Peace Rally
Moratorium To End The War In Vietnam
University of Michigan - Students
University Hospital
Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC)
Hill Auditorium
University Medical Center Moratorium
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Gardner Ackley
Joseph J. Wehrer
Claude A. Eggersten
Daniel Fusfeld
Wilbur J. Cohen
Cecil Lockard
Jack Stubbs