'Who's Who' Recognizes Area Women In It's Publication - Energetic And Skilled, Women Compare To Best Of Men

Women have come a long way in the last 50 years. Time was back in 1918 when men thought that women üouldn't even decide who they wanted for President. Now the men are afraid a woman'll run for the office and that's likely based on the names women have been making Por themselves in business and professional spheres across the country. Each year, the Marquis Company's "Who's Who of American Women" publishes names of some of those women who have dazzled others in their communities with their energy.l intelligence and professional savvy. Of the more than 24,000 women whose biographical sketches I are included in the new sixth edition, these are many of the women from the Ann Arbor - Ypsilanti area who are appearing I again or for the first time. Thelma Pauline Albritton is an assistant professor of special education at Eastern Michigan University and a recognized expert in speech and hearing methods. On the EMU staff for the past eight years, last year she directed EMU's off-campus student public school practice sessions in speech and hearing methods. A past president of the State's Speech and Hearing Association, (she also served on the Professional Advisory Council of the Êaster Seals Committee). Miss Albritton interrupted her doctoral studies at the U-M for one year lo serve as associate secretary for school-clinic affairs for the American Speech and Hearing Association in Washington, D.C. Kathleen C. Blackmer, 24, served as Women's Editor of the Ann Arbor News for two years before moving to Maryland with her husband, Charles, and joining Head Ski Wear as publicity director. A gradúate of U-M, Mrs. Blackmer is, perhaps, most famous for a series of articles on a women's prison which appeared in The News last December and which won her a first place berth in the women's news división of the Associated Press News Writing Contest last year. Vera Bolgar has put her fine mind to work in the difficult field of comparative law and is a recognized expert in that study. Having graduated from the University of Budapest in 1948, she escaped from Hungary the same year and eventually settled in Ann Arbor where she became a research associate at the Law School. Mrs. Bolgar was instrumental in writing and compiling the first American Journal of Comparative Law in 1952 and has represented the United States at international conferences where she delivered the American reports on various legal and judicial problems. She speaks English, Hungarian, Germán, French and "reads a little Spanish and Italian." Florence L. Crane is a one-woman dynamo with a list of civic affairs to her credit that would impress even those accustomed to one-woman dynamos. An Ann Arbor city councüman from 1957 to 1961, she was also a member of the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals. After her three year tenure as director of the Ann Arbor United Fund she served as president of the Faculty Women's Club while also fulfilling membership responsibilities to the League of Women Voters and the American Association of University Women. In 1964, Gov. Romney appointed her to the State Corrections Commission which sets policy for all prisoners and parolees in the state and which sets policy guidehnes for the state prison system. In addition, Mrs. Crane has two children and is the wife of the head of the University's Physics Department. E. Lorene Hall says that in geography and similar disciplines, "women are about as welcome as the plague." Nevertheless Mrs Hall has made sufficient progress in the field to became a lecturer in the Department of Geography and Geology at EMU. A former Wau.ci ueiwe joining the department as an I assistant professor in the lab school there, Mrs. Hall specializes in Geography Education- teaching education school students how to teach geography and social studies. In between her teach] ing duties and serving as an instructor at various "geography workshops," Mrs. Hall co-authored a teachers manual in 1964, served as 'president of the Faculty Women's Club of Ypsilanti and has done post-graduate work at the University of Michigan. Kathleen B. Hester is a professor of education in the reading field at Eastern Michigan University and an acclaimed expert in reading techniques. Receiving her Ph.D. from the t University of Pittsburgh, she taught there and the University of IMiami in Florida before joining the EMU staff in 1953. Miss Hester took time out in 1959 to serve as consultant and co-author of a Spanish reader used in elementary schools m Puerto Rico anfl lived there for two years while domg research She also co-authored a series of elementary and junior high schooUreaders and some English language books. Barbara W. Newell, the U-M 's first vice president for student services occupies an office designed to open up channels of communication between students and the administration and to allow more room for participation in University affairs. An assistant to U-M President Robben W. Fleming while he was chancellor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, she is generaUy considered by students, faculty and admmistrators to have done a good job in her first year in the U-M post. She defines her role as "trying to be very sensitive to perceived student needs and concerns and to increase the services avaiiabl to students who choose to live off campus." Tall and dignified, Mrs. Newell possesses a razor-sharp mind well versed in labor economics which she learned as an intern on the National Labor Relations Board and taught at Purdue University, the University of Wisconsin, and the U-M for the first few terms she was here. A widow, Mrs. Newell is the mother of a seven-year-old daughter. Geraldine Seeback is one of Ann Arbor's "legends in her own time" who's accumulated scores of friends in the 50 years she's been a voice and piano teacher. A musical prodigy who started singing seriously at five and giving piano lessons at 11, Mrs. Seeback graduated from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music but had to give up hopes of a career in New York when her father became ill. Her first job was as a music teacher at St. Thomas the Apostle School, but depression economics and two small boys to support forced her to earn extra money by giving private music lessons and taking in washing and ironing. During this time she accustomed herself to getting by on about two or three hours of sleep a night- a habit she's kept up ever since. In the following years, Mrs. Seeback started her own studio and engaged herself in many civic and cultural affairs. In retirement now at her home in Dexter, Mrs. Seeback keeps busy by revising her music book for children, serving on many clubs and keeping in touch with her two sons, Terry and Dale. Her strongest philosophy: "Never look back ... the time you spend looking back could be spent looking forward." Francés Helen Saupe was responsible for beginning the professional reorganization and re-cataloguing for Eastern Michigan University's main library- a task which she says is still in j process after 17 years. i Miss Saupe became involved in the work through the 1 gestión of the EMU library's now retired head librarían who I was working at the University of Illinois where she was doing gradúate work in the early 50s. Now in charge of the technical ;ervices department, she processes faculty, keeps track of all new requests for books for the library and processes the orden. Helen B. Weichlein, the wife of the chairman of the U-M Music School's History and Literature Department and the mother of two boys, is also the executive secretary of the American Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues - a non-profit organization in Ann Arbor composed of more than 3,000 professors and researchers across the country interested in the social research. As executive secretary, Mrs. Weichlein describes her duties as arranging meetings, taking care of the never-ending flow of correspondence, handling the society's business affairs and just generally "holding things together." Previously a secretary to the chairman of the University's Psycholcgy Department and for the Bureau of Psychological Services, Mrs. Weichlein enjoys her present job which allows her to be home when her two teen-age boys are home from school. Zelma Hope Weisfeld wanted to be an actress when she was a little girl but discovered that making and designing clothes for actresses and actors could be more fun. Although she "never even doodled costumes" or was interested in fashion before entering Temple University as a theater major, she gradually became more interested in the behind-the-scenes end of theater and eventually received her M.A. in costume design at the Yale Drama School where she stayed on the staff for two years. Another two years were spent at the Pittsburgh Playhouse before coming to Ann Arbor in 1960 to design for the University Players and other drama groups. Although she has designed clothes for just about every period and type, her favorite costumes are for Shakespeare's history plays and she's thus become something of an expert on the Elizabethan period. "For some reason, those characters just really come alive for me," she says. Now working on a reference book on the history and ry in Shakespeare's plays, she periodically travels to England and the British Museum for study. Eunice H. White answered an ad eight years ago for an office manager for a small but promising ! iness and is now assistant treasurer and "girl Friday" to t.e president of the million-dollar manufacturing company, Fortune Industries of Chelsea. A gradúate of Cleary College, Mrs. White worked for a while after her marriage and then quit to begin a family. She then returned to work when the children got a little older since it's "just as easy to work as it is to sit home if you're organized," she says. To compénsate for the few hours a day she'd miss her children, Mrs. White curtailed evening club activities. Can career and home responsibilities peacefully co-exist? "I have two nice children and a nice husband to prove it," she says. Helen H. Wild helped to begin the library in the U-M School of Public Health in 1943, one of the few university libraries in the country, after serving on the library staff of the Medical School for a number of years. Active in a number of civic and other organizations, she was a member of the Medical Library Association, the American Association of University Women, . the Washtenaw Historical Society and the Ann Arbor Women's City Club, where she was a charter member. A gradúate of the University, she has fond memories of two Alumni Association-sponsored trips -last year's "Sea Safari" which stopped port in the Grand Bahamas, South America and África and a 1966 cruise around the world. Miss Wild has been retired from the Health Library for about a year. Anne Hinshaw Wing is a writer-naturalist who has been fascinated by and writing about the great outdoors for years. With master's degrees in both English and landscape architecture, Mrs. Wing wrote a column for The Ann Arbor News from 1958 to 1964 while working with her husband, Leonard- a wildlife conservationist and ornothologist- for the preservation of wildlife and natural beauty areas in the state. Having obtained an interest in music from her parents who wcre both musieians, Mrs. Wing is following her natural bent with her latest project- a research into the music of bird song. By recording various bird r.oises on tape and playing them back at a slower rate, Mrs. Wing is making some fascinating discoveries, for example, that the blue jay sings in harmonie intervals.
Connie Tegge
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
University of Michigan - Alumnus
Eastern Michigan University - Faculty & Staff
Civic Leaders
Awards Honors Prizes
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Old News
Ann Arbor News
Zelma Hope Weisfeld
Vera Bolgar
Thelma Pauline Albritton
Kathleen C. Blackmer
Kathleen B. Hester
Helen H. Wild
Helen B. Weichlein
Geraldine Schlemmer Seeback
Frances Helen Saupe
Florence L. Crane
Eunice H. White
E. Loren Hall
Barbara W. Newell
Anne Hinshaw Wing
Robert Chase